JeromeLefebvre / communicate

A kivy app and Heroku hosted website
2 stars 4 forks source link


The website is currently at:

A kivy app and Heroku hosted website

Some of the first few steps in setting things up: Some notes on installation required for the website: virtualenv --no-site-packages communicate source communicate/bin/activate pip3 install flask python ctrl-c # to quit python mkdir templates git init Create heroku account download heroku toolbelt

add to your .gitignore pip3 install gunicorn echo "web: gunicorn hello:app">Procfile foreman start pip3 freeze>requirements.txt heroku create #essentially creates your remote repository on heroku

git add . git commit -m " initial"

On Heroku:

On Database:

On Flask:

For Kivy:

On Virtual environments (ignore the command easy_install, use pip instead):