Jesperpaulsen / sanity-mobile-preview

An NPM package written in React used to preview mobile devices. Especially helpful when used in combination with a CMS like Sanity.
MIT License
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cms mobile-devices react sanity sanity-studio


An NPM package written in React used to preview mobile devices. Especially helpful when used in combination with a CMS like sanity.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Demo picture


npm install --save sanity-mobile-preview


import SanityMobilePreview from 'sanity-mobile-preview'
import 'sanity-mobile-preview/dist/index.css?raw'

const Example = () => {
  return <SanityMobilePreview />

How to set up preview with Sanity

In order to set up mobile preview with Sanity, you first need to create a new view.

For simplicity, we will copy the predefined preview from IframePreview.js to a file called IframeMobilePreview.js

Add imports:

import SanityMobilePreview from 'sanity-mobile-preview'
import 'sanity-mobile-preview/dist/index.css?raw'

At line 47, replace

return (
  <div className={styles.componentWrapper}>
    <div className={styles.iframeContainer}>
      <iframe src={url} frameBorder={'0'} />


return (
  <div className={styles.componentWrapper}>
      <div className={styles.iframeContainer}>
        <iframe src={url} frameBorder={'0'} />

Then go to deskStructure.js.

Under getDefaultDocumentNode add the next snippet to the Schemes you want to add mobile preview to:

        .title('Mobile preview')

You should now be able to preview your website with a mobile view.


The SanityMobilePreview takes five optional arguments:

Argument Values Default
allowedDevices An array of MobileDevices. This will be the devices that are selectable in the dropdown menu. All devices
preSelectedDevice A MobileDevice. The default device to be selected. 'iphone-x'
preSelectedColor A device color. The default device color to selected. 'black
showMenu A boolean. Controls the visibility of the dropdowns. true
preSelectedLandscape A boolean. The default orientation of the devices false

If you have specified a preSelectedDevice that is not specified in allowedDevices, it will default to the first device in allowedDevices.

If you have specified a preSelectedColor that is not applicable to the preSelectedDevice, the preSelectedColor will default to black.


This example will load a silver iPad mini as default, and only allows iPhone X and iPad to be selected:

const App = () => {
  return (
      allowedDevices={['ipad', 'iphone-x']}
      <div> This is a demo 🤠</div>


MobileDevices = 'iphone-x' | 'note8' | 'iphone8' | 'iphone8plus' | 'iphone5s' | 'ipad' | 'nexus5'

MobileDeviceColors = 'silver' | 'black' | 'gold'


The different devices are:

DeviceId Readable name Colors
iphone-x iPhone X black
note8 Note 8 black
iphone8 iPhone 8 black, silver, gold
iphone8plus iPhone 8 Plus black, silver, gold
iphone5s iPhone 5s black, silver, gold
ipad iPad mini black, silver
nexus5 Nexus 5 black


Marvel Devices
