JesseMattson / PurrgentCare

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๐Ÿˆ Purrgent Care ๐Ÿ•


This readme provides background information regarding the Purrgent Care application, how to run it locally, and access the H2 in-memory database.

๐Ÿ’ป Application Purpose

This application provides functionality to veterinarian's offices to maintain client's information regarding their pets, their visits to the clinic, and diagnoses over time. Specific use cases will be built over time using an agile approach to continually expand functionality.

๐Ÿ› Architecture

This application is built on a controller-service-repository architecture to provide a good separation of concerns. This application uses React for the UI portion of the application. More details can be seen in the UI README. This application leverages Java Spring Boot as the back-end framework.


โš™๏ธ Pre-requisites

๐Ÿ— Build the Application

## Start Backend
mvn clean install -U
## Start UI
npm start --prefix ./purrgent-care-ui

โ–ถ๏ธ Running the Application

## Start Backend
mvn spring-boot:run
## Start UI
npm start --prefix ./purrgent-care-ui

โŒจ๏ธ Development Workflow

๐Ÿ”€ GitFlow

This project will leverage git flow for development workflow.

๐Ÿ’พ Accessing the H2 Database Console

H2 is a light weight in-memory database that enables fast local development without the leg work of wiring up a database, schema and connection settings. The database is only accessible while the application is running and can be accessed through the built-in H2 console by URL only. Additional Documentation

๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Accessing the UI

๐Ÿงช Unit Testing

This project requires unit testing as per the Definition of Done and meet code coverage requirements.

## Run Backend tests
mvn test jacoco:report
## Run UI tests
npm test --prefix ./purrgent-care-ui

๐Ÿ›  Tools used in this project