JesseSwildens / Software-ontwikkeling-VESOFTON
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Software build


In this repository are two projects that contain buildable source code depending on what the purpose is of the application. In the app Folder is the main project with extra features for an application and logic layer. This also includes a uart interface to test the API layer from a terminal. For only using the API layer, example_project contains a demo project with sample code that, using a library build in the app project can be statically linked into the example project. In each of these folders is a readme on how to build these projects.

Contributing guidelines

Contributing to the project comes with the following steps:


Two words will be used to strictness of the guidelines below. These two words are to be interpreted as follows:

Must: Guideline must be followed at all times. Exceptions are exceptionally rare and must be discussed with the team.

Should: Guideline should be followed as much as possible. Exceptions are possible.


Create an issue, or assign one from the scrumboard. This issue has a number and a description. All the documentation, comments or other relevant documentation must be posted under the issue. It is important to keep information bundled together.


After issue creation, a branch must be created, linked to the issue. All branches must follow the same naming convention: [branch number]-[relevant title]. Any changes relevant to the issue can be made on this branch. Commit often to keep a clear history.


The commit description must include two things:

  1. # Issue number
  2. A short description of the commit

An example: #16 fixed stuck in inf loop in API_Draw_line.

The issue number links the commit to the relevant issue and adds it to its history.

"Temporary" or "Syncing" commits like "Latest WIP" are explicitly not allowed.


After the issue is deemed complete, it must be merged via a pull request (PR). A PR must pass several checks (some automatic) before it can be merged into the main branch:

  1. (Automatic) The project must build
  2. (Automatic) The unit tests must pass (WIP)
  3. (Automatic) The style checker must pass
  4. A manual review must approve of the following:
    • Check for code functionality
    • Check for code coherence
    • Check for code clarity
    • Check for naming convention
    • Check for comment contents and style
    • Crosscheck code with the issue description!

After all these checks are passed, the PR owner should merge the branch with the main branch.

Other standards


All files must follow the following naming convention:

Source files: *.cpp\ or *.c

Header files: *.h

The name of the file must be in snake_case and cover its contents. It's encouraged to keep a single feature per file, when possible.

Naming convention

All functions part of the API must contain the prefix API_.

Other important prefixes:

Style guide

To comply with the style guidelines used in this project, a clang format file has been placed inside the repository with which code can be formatted. In Visual Studio Code add the following lines to .vscode/settings.json

    "C_Cpp.formatting": "clangFormat",
    "C_Cpp.clang_format_style": "file:${workspaceFolder}/app/.clang-format",
    "editor.formatOnSave": true