JetBrains-Research / pubtrends

Scientific literature explorer. Runs a Pubmed or Semantic Scholar search and allows user to explore high-level structure of result papers
Apache License 2.0
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bibliometrics pubmed semantic-scholar

JetBrains Research Build Status


PubTrends is a scientific literature exploratory tool for analyzing topics of a research field and similar papers analysis. It runs a Pubmed or Semantic Scholar search and allows user to explore high-level structure of result papers.

Open Access Paper:, poster is here. \ Citation: Shpynov, O. and Nikolai, K., 2021, August. PubTrends: a scientific literature explorer. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (pp. 1-1).


Technical details

PubTrends is a web service, written in Python and Javascript. It uses Postgres to store information about scientific publications.


Web service is built with Gunicorn and Flask. Asynchronous computations are supported with Celery tasks queue and Redis as message broker. We use Postgres to store information about papers: titles, abstracts, authors and citations information. Postgres built-in text search engine is used for full text search. Kotlin Postgres ORM is used to store papers in the database. Sqlite database is used to store technical user information including users roles and admin credentials for admin dashboard.

All the data manipulations are made with Pandas, Numpy and Scikit-Learn libraries. The service uses Python Nltk and Spacy libraries for text processing and analysis. Graph objects are processed with NetworkX library, papers embeddings are created with word2vec library from GenSim and in-house node2vec implementation based on word2vec. All the plots are created with Bokeh, Holoviews, Seaborn and Matplotlib libraries. Interactive Bokeh plots are used in web pages and Jupyter notebook experiments. Frontend uses Bootstrap, JQuery and Cytoscape-JS for graphs rendering.

Please refer to environment.yml for the full list of libraries used in the project.


Two Docker images are used for testing and deployment: biolabs/pubtrends-test and biolabs/pubtrends, respectively. We use Docker Hub to store built images. Service deployment is done with Docker compose, which launches Redis container, Celery container and Gunicorn container.

Please refer to docker-compose.yml for more information about deployment.

Testing and CI

Testing is done with Pytest and JUnit. Flake8 linter is used for quality assessment of Python code. Python tests are launched within Docker. Continuous integration is done with TeamCity using build chains.

Development Prerequisites


  1. Copy and modify to ~/.pubtrends/\ Ensure that file contains correct information about the database(s) (url, port, DB name, username and password).

  2. Conda environment pubtrends can be easily created for launching Jupyter Notebook and Web Service:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    source activate pubtrends
  3. Build base Docker image biolabs/pubtrends and nested image biolabs/pubtrends-test for testing.

    docker build -f resources/docker/main/Dockerfile -t biolabs/pubtrends --platform linux/amd64  .
    docker build  -f resources/docker/test/Dockerfile -t biolabs/pubtrends-test --platform linux/amd64 .
  4. Init Postgres database.

    • Launch Docker image:
      docker run --rm --name pubtrends-postgres \
      -e POSTGRES_USER=biolabs -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
      -v ~/postgres/:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
      -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
      -p 5432:5432 \
      -d postgres:15
    • Create database (once database is created use -d pubtrends argument):
      psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U biolabs
      ALTER ROLE biolabs WITH LOGIN;
      CREATE DATABASE pubtrends OWNER biolabs;
    • Configure memory params in ~/postgres/pgdata/postgresql.conf.
      # Memory settings
      effective_cache_size = 8GB  # ~ 50 to 75% (can be set precisely by referring to “top” free+cached)
      shared_buffers = 2GB        # ~ 1/4 – 1/3 total system RAM
      work_mem = 1GB            # For sorting, ordering etc
      max_connections = 4  # Total mem is work_mem * connections
      maintenance_work_mem = 1GB  # Memory for indexes, etc

    Write performance

    checkpoint_timeout = 10min checkpoint_completion_target = 0.8 synchronous_commit = off

    You can check current settings by command `SHOW ALL;` in psql console.
  5. Clone the JetBrains-Research/pubtrends-review repository to the working directory, and enable it in ~/.pubtrends/ file.

    git clone

Kotlin/Java Build

Use the following command to test and build JAR package:

   ./gradlew clean test shadowJar

Papers downloading and processing

Postgresql should be configured and launched.


Launch crawler to download and keep up-to-date Pubmed database:

   java -cp build/libs/pubtrends-dev.jar --fillDatabase

Command line options supported:

Updates - add the following line to crontab:

   crontab -e
   0 22 * * * java -cp pubtrends-<version>.jar --fillDatabase | \
   tee -a crontab_update.log

Semantic Scholar

Download Sample from Semantic Scholar or full archive. See Open Corpus.
The latest release can be found at:



Please ensure that you have database configured, up and running. \ Then launch web-service or use jupyter notebook for development.

Web service

  1. Create necessary folders with script

  2. Start Redis

    docker run -p 6379:6379 redis:5.0
  3. Configure conda environment pubtrends

    conda env create -f environment.yml

    Enable environment by command source activate pubtrends.

  4. Start Celery worker queue

    celery -A pysrc.celery.tasks worker -c 1 --loglevel=debug
  5. Start flask server at http://localhost:5000/

    python -m

Jupyter notebook

Notebooks are located under the /notebooks folder. Please configure PYTHONPATH before using jupyter.

   jupyter notebook


  1. Start Docker image with Postgres environment for tests (Kotlin and Python development)

    docker run --rm --platform linux/amd64 --name pubtrends-test \
    --publish=5432:5432 --volume=$(pwd):/pubtrends -i -t biolabs/pubtrends-test

    NOTE: don't forget to stop the container afterward.

  2. Kotlin tests

    ./gradlew clean test
  3. Python tests with code style check for development (including integration with Kotlin DB writers)

    source activate pubtrends; pytest pysrc
  4. Python tests within Docker (ensure that ./build/libs/pubtrends-dev.jar file is present)

    docker run --rm --platform linux/amd64 --volume=$(pwd):/pubtrends -t biolabs/pubtrends-test /bin/bash -c \
    "/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/user/postgres start; \
    cd /pubtrends; mkdir ~/.pubtrends; cp ~/.pubtrends; \
    source activate pubtrends; pytest pysrc"


Deployment is done with docker-compose:

Please ensure that you have configured and prepared the database(s).

  1. Modify file with information about the database(s). File from the project folder is used in this case.

  2. Start Postgres server.

    docker run --rm --name pubtrends-postgres -p 5432:5432 \
        --shm-size=8g \
        -e POSTGRES_USER=biolabs -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
        -e POSTGRES_DB=pubtrends \
        -v ~/postgres/:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
        -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
        -d postgres:15 

    NOTE: stop Postgres docker image with timeout --time=300 to avoid DB recovery.\

    NOTE2: for speed reason we use materialize views, which are updated upon successful database update. In case of emergency stop, the view should be refreshed manually to ensure sort by citations works correctly:

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U biolabs -d pubtrends
    refresh materialized view matview_pmcitations;
  3. Build ready for deployment package with script build=build-number ga=google-analytics-id
  4. Launch pubtrends with docker-compose.

    # start
    docker-compose up -d --build

    Use these commands to stop compose build and check logs:

    # stop
    docker-compose down
    # inpect logs
    docker-compose logs

    Pubtrends will be serving on port 8888.

  5. Nginx is used to proxy all traffic to port 8888 and redirect http -> https with Let's encrypt certificates.


Use simple placeholder during maintenance.

   cd pysrc/app; python -m http.server 8888



See for a list of authors and contributors.
