JetBrains-Research / verified-cogen

Repo for PLAN's verified code generation project
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Automation tool for verifying code using LLMs

Example usage:

export GRAZIE_JWT_TOKEN=insert grazie token
poetry run verified-cogen --insert-conditions-mode=llm --llm-profile=gpt-4-1106-preview --prompts-directory=prompts/rust_invariants -i RustBench/ground_truth/


export GRAZIE_JWT_TOKEN=insert grazie token
poetry run verified-cogen --insert-conditions-mode=llm --llm-profile=gpt-4-1106-preview --prompts-directory=prompts/dafny_invariants -i DafnyBench/hints_removed/630-dafny_tmp_tmpz2kokaiq_Solution_no_hints.dfy

To run the gui, run it directly from the verified-cogen directory or install the cli using poetry:

poetry install

Add .venv/bin to your PATH and use verified-cogen freely.

cargo run --manifest-path=gui/Cargo.toml

Screenshot of GUI

Available insertion modes:

Profiles are from grazie, useful ones:

Current status

Verified with modification for Rust:
