JialeCao001 / PedSurvey

From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey (TPAMI 2021)
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multispectral-pedestrian-detection pedestrian-detection survey

From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey

This project provides a paper list about pedestrian detection following the taxonomy in "From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey (IEEE TPAMI 2022)".


**PD**: Pedestrian Detection; **MPD**: Multispectral Pedestrian Detection; **MVD**: Multi-View Pedestrian Detection; **Others**: Pedestrian Detection with Special Devices

Table of Contents

  1. Detection pipeline
    1.1 Proposal generation
    1.2 Feature extraction
    1.3 Proposal classification
    1.4 Post processing
  2. Single-spectral pedestrian detection
    2.1 Handcrafted features based pedestrian detection
    2.1.1 Channel features based methods
    2.1.2 Deformable part based methods
    2.2 Deep features based pedestrian detection
    2.2.1 Hybrid methods
    2.2.2 Pure CNN based methods
  3. Multispectral pedestrian detection
    3.1 Deep feature fusion
    3.2 Data processing
    3.3 Domain adaptation
  4. Datasets
    4.1 Earlier pedestrian datasets
    4.2 Modern pedestrian datasets
    4.3 Multispectral pedestrian datasets
  5. Challenges
    5.1 Scale variance
    5.2 Occlusion
    5.3 Domain adaptation
  6. Related Survey
  7. Multi-View Pedestrian Detection
  8. Leaderboard
  9. Citation

1. Detection pipeline

2. Single-spectral pedestrian detection

2.1. Handcrafted features based pedestrian detection

2.2. Deep features based pedestrian detection

3.2. Data processing

4. Datasets

4.1. Earlier pedestrian datasets

4.3. Multispectral pedestrian datasets

5. Challenges

5.1. Scale variance

6. Related survey

9. Citation

If this project help your research, please consider to cite our survey paper.

        author = {Jiale Cao and Yanwei Pang and Jin Xie and Fahad Shahbaz Khan and Ling Shao},
        title = {From Handcrafted to Deep Features for Pedestrian Detection: A Survey},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
        volume = {44},
        number = {9},
        year = {2022},
        pages = {4913-4934},


Please contact us if you have any questions.