Jiangmenghao / NUC8i5BEH

NUC8i5BEH Hackintosh
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NUC8I5BEH Hackintosh (OpenCore)

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Supported macOS versions

OpenCore: 1.0.1

If you've upgraded to Sonoma (or later) and have a need for Wi-Fi, please refer to the following

BIOS Settings

How to install

  1. Put EFI and NUC8_MacOnlineInstaller into a Fat 32 format USB flash driver's root directory
  2. Run the corresponding script file in NUC8_MacOnlineInstaller depending on your operating system
  3. Restart computer and install macOS with the USB flash driver After all steps above are completed

Active iMessage/FaceTime

  1. Genarate Serial Number, Board Serial Number and SmUUID with Hackintool
  2. Check your Serial Number on https://checkcoverage.apple.com, and make sure the result looks like the picture below, otherwise genarate them again (and again) checkSN
  3. Replace Serial Number, Board Serial Number and SmUUID in config.plist
  4. Restart computer

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