Jiaoyang45 / Rolling-Unet

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The official implementation of the paper "Rolling-Unet: Revitalizing MLP’s Ability to Efficiently Extract Long-Distance Dependencies for Medical Image Segmentation" published in AAAI-2024.


Medical image segmentation methods based on deep learning network are mainly divided into CNN and Transformer. However, CNN struggles to capture long-distance dependencies, while Transformer suffers from high computational complexity and poor local feature learning. To efficiently extract and fuse local features and long-range dependencies, this paper proposes Rolling-Unet, which is a CNN model combined with MLP. Specifically, we propose the core R-MLP module, which is responsible for learning the long-distance dependency in a single direction of the whole image. By controlling and combining R-MLP modules in different directions, OR-MLP and DOR-MLP modules are formed to capture long-distance dependencies in multiple directions. Further, Lo2 block is proposed to encode both local context information and long-distance dependencies without excessive computational burden. Lo2 block has the same parameter size and computational complexity as a 3×3 convolution. The experimental results on four public datasets show that Rolling-Unet achieves superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods.



1) ISIC 2018 - Link 2) BUSI - Link 3) GLAS - Link 4) CHASEDB1 - Link

Data Format

Training and Validation


This code repository is implemented based on UNeXt.


1) UNet, UNet++, Attention-UNet - link 2) Medical-Transformer - link 3) UCTransNet - link 4) UNeXt - link 5) DconnNet - link


If this code is helpful for your study, please cite: 1) Liu, Y., Zhu, H., Liu, M., Yu, H., Chen, Z., & Gao, J. (2024). Rolling-Unet: Revitalizing MLP’s Ability to Efficiently Extract Long-Distance Dependencies for Medical Image Segmentation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(4), 3819-3827. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v38i4.28173