JiatongBao / DRLSorting

Learn Multi-Step Object Sorting Tasks through Deep Reinforcement Learning
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Learn Multi-Step Object Sorting Tasks through Deep Reinforcement Learning

This repository will provide PyTorch code for training and testing object sorting policies with deep reinforcement learning in both simulation and real-world settings on a UR5/UR3 robot arm. This is the reference implementation for the paper which has been published on Robotica.

Learn Multi-Step Object Sorting Tasks through Deep Reinforcement Learning

Robotic systems are traditionally controlled to repetitively perform specific actions for manufacturing tasks. These control methods are usually domain-dependent and model-dependent and cost lots of human efforts. They cannot meet the emerging requirements of generality and flexibility in many areas such as intelligent manufacturing and customized production. This paper develops a general model-free approach to enable robots to perform multi-step object sorting tasks through deep reinforcement learning. Taking projected heightmap images from different time steps as input without extra high-level image analysis and understanding, critic models are designed for producing a pixel-wise Q value map for each type of action. It is a new trial to apply pixel-wise Q value based critic networks on solving multi-step sorting tasks that involve many types of actions and complex action constraints. The experimental validations on simulated and realistic object sorting tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


If you find this code useful in your work, please consider citing:

  title={Learn Multi-Step Object Sorting Tasks through Deep Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Bao, Jiatong and Zhang, Guoqing and Peng, Yi and Shao, Zhiyu and Song, Aiguo},
  Year = {2022},
  Volume = {40},
  Number = {11},
  Pages = {3878-3894}

Demo Videos

These two videos show how the simulated robot performs on sorting 6 cuboid blocks with random colors after 5000-step and 30000-step trial-and-errors, respectively.

after 5,000 steps after 30,000 steps

In order to show the potential capability of our model, the task of sorting 10 blocks with random colors and shapes is performed.

after 30,000 steps after 50,000 steps

Demo videos of a real robot in action.

sort four blocks in real setups sort six blocks in real setups


If you have any questions or find any bugs, please let me know: [Jiatong Bao] jtbao[at]yzu[dot]edu[dot]cn


We use PyTorch (1.8) to implement and train the models on a PC with Intel Core CPU i9-10900KF, NVIDIA GTX 3090 GPU (with CUDA 11.1.1 and cuDNN 8.1.0) and 32G memory running Ubuntu 16.04.

  1. Install Anaconda and create virtual environment
    conda create -n sort python=3.8.10 -y
  2. Install PyTorch
    conda activate sort
    conda install pytorch=1.8 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
  3. Install python libraries
    pip3 install numpy scipy opencv-python matplotlib
  4. Install V-REP (now known as CoppeliaSim) simulation environment

How to run

Prepare simulation environment

Run V-REP (navigate to your V-REP/CoppeliaSim directory and run ./vrep.sh or ./coppeliaSim.sh). From the main menu, select File > Open scene..., and open the file DRLSorting/simulation/simulation.ttt from this repository.


export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" && python3 main.py --is_sim --obj_mesh_dir objects/blocks --num_obj 10 --push_rewards --experience_replay --random_actions --use_commonsense --explore_rate_decay --future_reward_discount 0.65 --max_iter 40000 --save_visualization

Continue training

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" && python3 main.py --is_sim --obj_mesh_dir objects/blocks --num_obj 10 --push_rewards --experience_replay --random_actions --use_commonsense --explore_rate_decay --future_reward_discount 0.65 --max_iter 40000 --save_visualization --load_snapshot --snapshot_file './logs/2021-11-24.10:29:18/models/snapshot-backup.reinforcement.pth' --continue_logging --logging_directory './logs/2021-11-24.10:29:18'

How to plot

python metric_plot_train.py --log_dir 'plot'

How to evaluate

python metric_eval_test.py --log_dir './logs/2021-12-24.14:59:43/transitions' --object_num 4

Real scene testing

export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0" && python3 main.py --is_testing --num_obj 6 --load_snapshot --snapshot_file './logs/Model3/snapshot-backup.reinforcement.pth' --heightmap_resolution 0.00125 --max_test_trials 20

Pretrained Models

Model1 (trained on tasks of sorting 4 blocks with fixed colors) Download
Model2 (trained on tasks of sorting 4 blocks with random colors) Download
Model3 (trained on tasks of sorting 6 blocks with random colors) Download
Model4 (trained on tasks of sorting 10 blocks with random colors and shapes) Download


Our code is based on VPG and Good Robot!.