JiawangBian / FM-Bench

An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation (BMVC 2019)
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supplementary #1

Open xianggao1989 opened 4 years ago

xianggao1989 commented 4 years ago

Hi Jiawang,

In your BMVC paper, you said details about the methods of USAC, GC-RANSAC, etc. can be found in the supplementary. However, I can not find the supplementary file.

Thanks, Xiang

JiawangBian commented 4 years ago

Hi Xiang,

Two things need to be clarifed:

  1. I used the distance ratio of 2 nearest neighbors for ranking the corresondences in USAC.
  2. Set the maximum iterations of GC-RANSAC as 2000.

Cheers, Jiawang