JiawangBian / FM-Bench

An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation (BMVC 2019)
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descriptors epipolar-geometry feature-matching fundamental-matrix ransac


The source code for "An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation"


An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation, Jia-Wang Bian, Yu-Huan Wu, Ji Zhao, Yun Liu, Le Zhang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Ian Reid, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2019 [Project Page] [pdf]

If you find this work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation},
  author={Bian, Jia-Wang and Wu, Yu-Huan and Zhao, Ji and Liu, Yun and Zhang, Le and Cheng, Ming-Ming and Reid, Ian},
  booktitle= {British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},

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Root (FM-Bench)









Dataset Download

You can download dataset and vlfeat from the link https://1drv.ms/f/s!AiV6XqkxJHE2g3ZC4zYYR05eEY_m

How to use

1. Run the example "Pipeline/Pipeline_Demo.m" for results of SIFT-RT-RANSAC.

2. Run the evaluation "Evaluation/Evaluate.m".

3. You can visualize the matching and esimation results for each pair by running "Evaluation/ShowVisualResults.m".