JiawangBian / FM-Bench

An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation (BMVC 2019)
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Estimation crash #4

Open ThompsonHe opened 4 years ago

ThompsonHe commented 4 years ago

Hi, Sorry for bothering When I run Pipeline/Pipeline_Demo.m, and the process of Detecting Keypoints and Extracting Description is done. I don't know somehow the command window prompt me the message"Estimation Crash".

JiawangBian commented 4 years ago

'Estimation Crash' is due to 'insufficient correspondence search' or unstable RANSAC. In very hard dataset (CPC), it may appear several times, but it should hardly appear in other dataset. So you may need check whether the input (matches) to RANSAC are correctly computed.

ledze8 commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem, and after testing it was a matlab problem.