JiaweiZhuang / aws-mpi-benchmark

MPI Benchmark on AWS HPC cluster
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MPI Benchmark on AWS HPC cluster

Benchmark various MPI functions on AWS HPC cluster. Including different EC2 instance types, network configurations, MPI implementations, and collective algorithms (e.g broadcast, allreduce).

The main motivation for such benchmark is that, different MPI implementations and their collective algorithms can yield vastly different efficiency and severely affect application performance. See this issue for example.

Most scripts in this repo also work on local HPC clusters with minimum modifications.

Currently tested cases

MPI functions from OSU micro-benchmarks (OMB):

AWS instance & network configuration:


Browse benchmark results

See notebooks. To rerun notebooks, also need to download benchmark log files here.

Key take-away: Intel-MPI's topology-aware Bcast is 2~5x faster than other MPI implementations.

Run the benchmarks

Step 1. Launch cluster

Follow my cloud HPC guide to get familiar with AWS ParallelCluster. Current benchmark uses this specific version with EFA enabled:

pip install --upgrade aws-parallelcluster==2.4.1

Important parameters in ~/.parallelcluster/config are:

enable_efa = compute
placement_group = DYNAMIC
scheduler = slurm
base_os = centos7
master_instance_type = c5n.large
compute_instance_type = c5n.18xlarge

Other parameters like key names, VPC and subnet IDs are user-specific.

Step 2. Install MPI libraries and build OMB

For most MPIs except Intel-MPI, we use Spack environment to simplify the installation and environment management. spack env activate discovers the MPI executable path, functionally similar to module load.

Get Spack:

cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
echo 'source $HOME/spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

Following sections install the environments openmpi3, openmpi4, mpich3. They will be shown in spack env list.

Add pre-installed Slurm to Spack by copying scripts/spack_config/packages.yaml to ~/.spack/packages.yaml


spack env create openmpi3
spack env activate openmpi3
spack -v install osu-micro-benchmarks ^openmpi@3.1.4+pmi schedulers=slurm
spack env deactivate

spack env create openmpi4
spack env activate openmpi4
spack -v install osu-micro-benchmarks ^openmpi@4.0.1+pmi schedulers=slurm
spack env deactivate

The above installation uses TCP sockets. Libfabric & EFA can be enabled via spack install openmpi+pmi schedulers=slurm fabrics=libfabric ^libfabric fabrics=efa, but OpenMPI + EFA is currently quite slow for collectives due to this issue.

Update: The problem is solved by libfabric 1.9 https://github.com/aws/aws-parallelcluster/issues/1143#issuecomment-561919602, which is added to Spack by https://github.com/spack/spack/pull/13964

spack env create openmpi3-efa
spack env activate openmpi3-efa
spack -v install osu-micro-benchmarks ^openmpi@3.1.4+pmi schedulers=slurm fabrics=libfabric ^libfabric@1.9.0 fabrics=efa
spack env deactivate

spack env create openmpi4-efa
spack env activate openmpi4-efa
spack -v install osu-micro-benchmarks ^openmpi@4.0.1+pmi schedulers=slurm fabrics=libfabric ^libfabric@1.9.0 fabrics=efa
spack env deactivate


spack env create mpich3
spack env activate mpich3
spack -v install osu-micro-benchmarks ^mpich@3.3.1 +slurm
spack env deactivate

Intel MPI

We use the pre-installed Intel-MPI on AWS ParallelCluster, to avoid the hassle of configuring Intel-MPI with libfabric and EFA.

module avail
module show intelmpi

module purge
module load intelmpi
which mpicc mpirun

Switching fabric by one of the following:

export FI_PROVIDER=efa  # default if EFA is available
export FI_PROVIDER=sockets  # fall back to TCP instead

Print which fabric is used at run-time:

export I_MPI_DEBUG=5

Install OMB from source:

cd $HOME
wget http://mvapich.cse.ohio-state.edu/download/mvapich/osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.1.tar.gz
tar zxf osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.1.tar.gz
rm osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.1.tar.gz
cd osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.1

echo 'export OSU_PATH_INTELMPI=$HOME/osu_intelmpi' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

module purge && module load intelmpi
./configure CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx --prefix=$OSU_PATH_INTELMPI
make install

The variable OSU_PATH_INTELMPI will be used in run-time scripts.

Note on MPI process management and scheduler

Should use one MPI process on one physical core. Each c5n.18xlarge instance has 36 physical cores / 72 hyperthreads. Slurm thinks there 72 cores so will by default. Here we use --ntasks-per-node 36 for srun command and sbatch script to avoid oversubscribe the CPUs. A better way will be disabling hyperthreading.

MPI processes can be launched by MPI library's launcher or by Slurm, leading to various different ways to start the program.

Open MPI:

  1. Launch by srun. OpenMPI needs to be compiled with --with-pmi (already handled by Spack).
  2. Launch by orterun inside slurm interactive session or sbatch script. Still need to compile with --with-slurm.

Intel MPI :

  1. Launch by srun. Need to set export I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY=/opt/slurm/lib/libpmi.so
  2. Launch by mpirun inside slurm interactive session or sbatch script. Should unset I_MPI_PMI_LIBRARY

Here we use MPI's own launcher. Not seeing a visible difference due to launch mechanisms.


Step 3. Running OSU micro-benchmark (OMB)

See scripts directory. The scripts assume that MPI & OMB are properly installed as shown in Step 2.

Run all the cases via Slurm sbatch. For example:

cd scripts/bcast/
sbatch run_bcast_all_mpi.sbatch

Or run each case interactively:

srun -N 4 --ntasks-per-node 36 --pty bash
bash bcast_openmpi3_tune_algo.sh ~/output_log_dir

Feel free to change --nodes and --ntasks-per-node in the Slurm script.

Tips on OMB run-time configuration

See OMB README for full documentation.

Tune MPI collectives

Tune IntelMPI collectives

Uses I_MPI_ADJUST family, such as I_MPI_ADJUST_BCAST:

1. Binomial
2. Recursive doubling
3. Ring
4. Topology aware binomial
5. Topology aware recursive doubling
6. Topology aware ring
7. Shumilin's
8. Knomial
9. Topology aware SHM-based flat
10. Topology aware SHM-based Knomial
11. Topology aware SHM-based Knary
12. NUMA aware SHM-based (SSE4.2)
13. NUMA aware SHM-based (AVX2)
14. NUMA aware SHM-based (AVX512)

For example, set export I_MPI_ADJUST_BCAST=8.


Tune OpenMPI collectives

Print all algorithms by:

ompi_info --param coll tuned -l 9 | grep 'bcast algorithm'
ompi_info --param coll tuned -l 9 | grep 'allreduce algorithm'

OpenMPI 3.1.4:

bcast algorithm: 0 ignore, 1 basic linear, 2 chain, 3: pipeline, 4: split binary tree, 5: binary tree, 6: binomial tree.

allreduce algorithm: 0 ignore, 1 basic linear, 2 nonoverlapping (tuned reduce + tuned bcast), 3 recursive doubling, 4 ring, 5 segmented ring

OpenMPI 4.0.1:

bcast algorithm: 0 ignore, 1 basic linear, 2 chain, 3: pipeline, 4: split binary tree, 5: binary tree, 6: binomial tree, 7: knomial tree, 8: scatter_allgather, 9: scatter_allgather_ring.

allreduce algorithm: 0 ignore, 1 basic linear, 2 nonoverlapping (tuned reduce + tuned bcast), 3 recursive doubling, 4 ring, 5 segmented ring

Then specify the algorithm by command line arguments:

orterun --mca coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules 1 --mca coll_tuned_bcast_algorithm 7

Or by environment variables (useful when using srun instead of orterun):

export OMPI_MCA_coll_tuned_use_dynamic_rules=1
export OMPI_MCA_coll_tuned_bcast_algorithm=7


Tune MPICH collectives

Can set environment variables like MPIR_CVAR_BCAST_INTRA_ALGORITHM. Not seeing a major effect here.

