JibayMcs / filament-tour

Let's embed the power of DriverJS to your filament admin panel, and guide peoples through your app
MIT License
93 stars 25 forks source link

Bring the power of DriverJs to your Filament panels and start a tour !

Due to a heavy workload, I'm unable to continue fixing and improving Filament-Tour.

But if you feel like patching it, modifying it or rewriting it, don't hesitate to contribute to the project!

With the power of DriverJS bring to your users an elegant way to discover your panels !


You can install this filament plugin via composer:

For Filament V3.x

composer require jibaymcs/filament-tour:"^3.0"

For Filament V2.x

composer require jibaymcs/filament-tour:"^2.0"

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-tour-views"

This is the contents of the published config file:

 return [    
    "only_visible_once" => true,  


public function panel(Panel $panel) {
    return $panel->default()
        ->plugins([ FilamentTourPlugin::make() ]);

You can also enable or disable the check on the local storage if the current user have already seen the tour.

// default  : true  

Start a tour !

Let's follow this example to add a tour to your dashboard page.

If you don't already have a customized dashboard, please refer to the following tutorial: FIlamentPHP - Dashboard - Customizing the dashboard page

Use the correct trait to registers your tours !

namespace App\Filament\Pages;  

use JibayMcs\FilamentTour\Tour\Tour;  

class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard {

    use HasTour;
    // ...  

    public function tours(): array    {    
        return []; 

Create a simple tour !

public function tours(): array {
    return [

                   ->title("Welcome to your Dashboard !")

                   ->title('Woaw ! Here is your avatar !')
                   ->description('You look nice !')

Create a JSON tour !

- From a direct URL

public function tours(): array {
    return [
       Tour::make(url: "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/JibayMcs/cc06efddadcfc0a0ff59e116533ee727/raw/8c5c86a3a4b92e4d0586d7a344d0e41f0c175659/TourDashboard.json")

- From your Storage

public function tours(): array {
    return [
       Tour::make(json: Storage::disk('local')->get("TourDashboard.json"))

Using Tour::make(url: "") or Tour::make(json: "") is the same thing, so don't worry about the name of your parameter if you've got the wrong type.
If you use Tour::make('my-tour') it's equal to Tour::make(id: 'my-tour') And here you need to construct all your steps. No JSON reading here.

JSON Example file (click to expand) or Github Gist Link ```json { "id": "dashboard", "route": "/admin/test-team", "colors": [ "", "" ], "alwaysShow": true, "visible": true, "uncloseable": true, "ignoreRoutes": false, "disableEvents": true, "nextButtonLabel": "Next", "previousButtonLabel": "Previous", "doneButtonLabel": "Done", "steps": [ { "title": "Woaw ! First Step !", "description": "Yeah ! And I'm from a json file !", "uncloseable": false, "events": { "clickOnNext": "body", "notifyOnNext": { "title": "Hello World !", "body": "Woaw ! I'm from a Json file !", "color": "success" }, "redirectOnNext": { "url": "https://filamentphp.com", "newTab": true }, "dispatchOnNext": [ "open-modal", { "id": "edit-user" } ] } }, { "title": "An other one !", "description": "Yeah ! And I'm from the same json file !", "uncloseable": false, "events": { "clickOnNext": "body", "notifyOnNext": { "title": "Hello World !", "body": "Woaw ! I'm from a Json file !", "color": "success" }, "redirectOnNext": { "url": "https://filamentphp.com", "newTab": true }, "dispatchOnNext": [ "open-modal", { "id": "edit-user" } ] } } ] } ```


Tour methods reference

// Instanciate a tour, and provide an id, to trigger it later
Tour::make(string $id)

// Since, JSON Support update
Tour::make(... $params)

    // Define a custom url to trigger your tour 
    ->route(string $route)

    //Register the steps of your tour
    ->steps(Step ...$steps)

    // Define a color of your hightlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
    ->colors(string $light, string $dark)

    //Set the tour as always visible, even is already viewed by the user.
    ->alwaysShow(bool|Closure $alwaysShow = true)

    // Set the tour visible or not
    ->visible(bool|Closure $visible = true)

    // Set the 'Next' button label
    ->nextButtonLabel(string $label)

    // Set the 'Previous' button label
    ->previousButtonLabel(string $label)

    // Set the 'Done' button label
    ->doneButtonLabel(string $label)

    // Set the whole steps of the tour as uncloseable
    ->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)

    // Disable all tour steps events
    ->disableEvents(bool|Closure $disableEvents = true)

    // Bypass route check to show the tour on all pages
    // Maybe useless, but who knows ?
    ->ignoreRoutes(bool|Closure $ignoreRoutes = true)


Step methods reference

// If no element provided, the step act like a modal
Step::make(string $element = null)

    // Define the title of your step
    // Mandatory
    ->title(string|Closure $title)

    // Define the description of your step
    // Also accept HTML
    // Mandatory
    ->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)

    // Define an icon next to your step title
    ->icon(string $icon)

    // Define the color of the title icon
    ->iconColor(string $color)

    // Step your step closeable or not
    // Default: true
    ->uncloseable(bool|Closure $uncloseable = true)

    //Simulate a click on a CSS selected element when you press the next button
    ->clickOnNext(string|Closure $selector)

    // Send a notification when you press the next button
    ->notifyOnNext(Notification $notification)

    //Redirect you to a custom url or a route() when you press the next button
    ->redirectOnNext(string $url, bool $newTab = false)

    // Dispatch an event like `$dispatch()` when you press the next button
    ->dispatchOnNext(string $name, ...$args)


Same as tour, use the correct trait !


namespace App\Filament\Pages;  

use JibayMcs\FilamentTour\Highlight\HasHighlight;  

class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard {

    use HasHighlight;
    // ...  

    public function highlights(): array {    
        return []; 
public function highlights(): array {

    return [

            ->title('Whoaw ! You highlighted the title of the page !')

            ->title("Pssst ! That's your avatar")



Highlight methods reference

// Instanciate a highlight with a CSS select of the element where the icon button is next to
Highlight::make(string $parent)

    // Define the element to be highlighted
    ->element(string $element)

    // Set the title of your highlight
    ->title(string|Closure $title)

    // Set the description of your highlight
    ->description(string|Closure|HtmlString|View $description)

    // Define a custom icon for your highlight button
    // Default: heroicon-m-question-mark-circle
    ->icon(string $icon)

    // Define the color of the highlight icon button
    // Default: gray
    ->iconColor(string $color)

    // Define a color of your hightlight overlay for the dark and light theme of your filament panel
    ->colors(string $light, string $dark)

    // Set the position of your icon button around the parent
    // Default: top-left
    // Available: top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right
    ->position(string $position)


Avalaible events:

Filament Tour, dispatch some event to show tours and highlights. So you can trigger them from your own code.

Basically, if you want a custom button to trigger a tour or a highlight, you can do something like this:

// ======== Highlights
// AlpineJS
<button x-on:click="Livewire.dispatch('filament-tour::open-highlight', 'title')">Show title highlight</button>

// Livewire
<button wire:click="$dispatch('filament-tour::open-highlight', 'title')">Show title highlight</button>

// ======== Tours
<button x-on:click="Livewire.dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', 'title')">Show Dashboard tour</button>

// Livewire
<button wire:click="$dispatch('filament-tour::open-tour', 'dashboard')">Show Dashboard tour</button>

Don't forget to prefix your event with filament-tour:: to trigger the correct event.

Development Tool

This tool is always disabled in production mode. APP_ENV=production

Filament Tour embed a simple tool to help you to develop your tours and highlights.

Let me show you how to use it !

Enable the tool

To enable the tool, simply use FilamentTourPlugin::make()->enableCssSelector() in your plugin declaration.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl|Cmd + Space To open the tool.

Escape To exit the tool.

Ctrl|Cmd + C To copy the CSS Selector of the highlighted element.

CSS Selector Tool Utilisation Preview

Extra Resources


The core of this plugin !
Don't hesitate to check the documentation to learn more about the possibilities of this plugin.
I don't implemented all the features of DriverJS, at this time, but I'm working on it !


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.