JieJayCao / Encrypted-Traffic-Classification-Models

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Replication of state-of-the-art Encrypted Traffic Classification methods based on Pytorch.


Our encrypted traffic classification tasks are designed based on three of the most widely used datasets, including ISCX-VPN, ISCX-TOR and USTC-TFC, which can be obtained from Baidu Cloud or downloaded from the dataset source address for ease of use. _(链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1AyMzsJGfc_iIBjL8hokvqA 提取码: cgv1)_


Method list

Method Name Paper Source
1DCNN End-to-end encrypted traffic classification with one-dimensional convolution neural networks
TSCRNN TSCRNN: A novel classification scheme of encrypted traffic based on flow spatiotemporal features for efficient management of IIoT
LSTM-Att Identification of Encrypted Traffic Through Attention Mechanism Based Long Short Term Memory
MATEC MATEC: A lightweight neural network for online encrypted traffic classification
DeepPacket Deep Packet: A Novel Approach For Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning
Datanet Datanet: Deep Learning Based Encrypted Network Traffic Classification in SDN Home Gateway
SAM Self-attentive deep learning method for online traffic classification and its interpretability
ET-BERT ET-BERT: A Contextualized Datagram Representation with Pre-training Transformers for Encrypted Traffic Classification