Jimako-e107-plugins / e107-old-plugins

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e107 e107-cms e107-plugin


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For download only subfolder (one plugin) use extension for Chrome




AACGC Arcade Addins by M@CH!N3

description: A plugin to implement an arcade in e107 with high score tables.

Original: break user profile, doesn't work under v2.1.7 After quick fix: not visible errors, Current Challenges Champion looks for not existing file

Php version: not compatible with php7



AACGC Donation Listing by M@CH!N3



AACGC Clan Listing by M@CH!N3

source: https://github.com/AACGC/AACGC-Clan-Listing

description: Displays Clan Names, Website, Information, and Game Server Banner, arranges into catagories and pages.BBcode & HTML supported.

Original: outdated for php 7, break admin area, outdated queries for e107 2.2

After quick fix: not visible errors, sending private messages commented

Php version: compatible with php7



AACGC Download Tracker by M@CH!N3



aacgc_eventcountdowns, aacgc_eventcountdowns_fixed

AACGC Event Countdowns by M@CH!N3

source: https://github.com/AACGC/AACGC-Event-Countdowns

Description: Countdown timers to events of your choice

Fixed version: done for somebody


aacgc_itemlist, aacgc_itemlist_fixed

AACGC Item List by M@CH!N3

source: https://github.com/AACGC/Item-List

Description: Item List plugin that allows admin to list items with image, name, details, and optional price in different categories and sub-categories.

Fixed version: attempt fix for 2.0 in 2014, not used anymore




original version: 2.9

source: https://github.com/AACGC/AACGC-Member-of-the-Month

just backup

Description: Select a member of your clan/community as Member of the month and it will be displayed on a menu. Page included that shows all previouse members of the month. Gold Orbs supported



AACGC Public News by M@CH!N3

original version: 1.9

source: https://github.com/AACGC/AACGC-Public-News

just backup

Description: Allows users, guests, or userclasses submit news posts and lists them on pages and menus.



Advance Online Menu by eleljrk

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Advanced Bbcodes by The_Death_Raw

Description: Can install new bbcodes in your e107 website.

Fixed: working version for 2.1.0, not used anymore



Advanced Medal System V1.2 by Marc Peppler, Updated version 1.3, 1.4 by garyt

just backup


agenda, agenda_fixed

Agenda v1.7 b2 by bugrain

original version: 20-May-2008


Agenda is a calendar, appointment and event organiser.

Fixed: fixed all visible errors , compatible: 2.1.6



Alternate ranks v0.1 by Veskoto

just backup



Another Online Menu v1.5 by Richard Perry

Description: shows the people currently viewing your site, in a clean and easy to read style.

Author credit: Richard Perry


Original: greycube.com

just backup



Auto Assign (e107 v7x) by Father Barry

just backup

Auto Assign to Class 1.5

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description This plugin allows you to automatically assign new members to upto 5 predefined classes when they sign up.

(V1.4 wasn't released)


Auto Promote V1.1.9

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description Auto promote users class membership based on criteria

Beta version



Birthday Menu (e107 v7x) by Father Barry


there is updated version for e107 2.2 and PHP 7

More info: https://www.e107sk.com/



Room Booking System Two / Meeting Room Booking System (MRBS)) by Ian Beaver, modified by Barry Keal

just backup


Bugtracker3 (e107 v7x) by bugrain

Source: bugrain.com/e107_plugins/psilo/psilo.php?artifact.2

Decription: Manage bugs and feature requests.

Requires the e107 Helper Project to be installed.

Just backup



Calendar menu by e107 Inc

Source: original core e107 V1 plugin, just backup of 1.0.4 version

Information: https://www.e107sk.com/documentation/calendar-menu-plugin/?cat.51

Support: https://www.e107sk.com/forum/

Updated version: https://github.com/Jimmi08/e107-free-plugins-by-e107sk/tree/master/calendar_menu Other version: https://github.com/e107inc/calendar_menu



Category Links Menu Plugin by acidfire

just backup



Challenge Us by udesigns

still able download: http://www.udesigns.be/shop-i82-e107-challenge-us

state: just backup

note: needs to use e107_images/clan for images

EDIT: the author's site is not available anymore


chatbox2_menu, chatbox2

CHATBOX II by Billy Smith http://www.vitalogix.com

state: just backup

Fixed version: fixed errors for 2.3 and php 7.2, in progress



state: just backup


Clan Members Basic 1.0 by udesigns



clanmembers, clanmembers_fixed

Clan Members 1.0 by udesigns


there is updated version for e107 2.2 and PHP 7

More info: https://www.e107sk.com/



ClanSystem by Sherwood McGowan & Shannon Kamer

description: Complete Clan Management Plugin

state: just backup , probably not full plugin



Clan Wars by udesigns


there is updated version for e107 2.2 and PHP 7

More info: https://www.e107sk.com/



Class Membership by Barry Keal

just backup

Updated version: https://github.com/Jimmi08/e107-free-plugins-by-e107sk/tree/master/classmembership



Contact V2 by Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy

Just backup



Contact Form v1.7 by bugrain (www.bugrain.plus.com)

A versatile Contact Form for e107.

Features: Hides e-mail addresses from spammers/robots/etc. Allows for multiple e-mail addresses for different parts of the organisations (sales, marketing, etc.) Can have multiple contact pages with different addressee lists and form fields. User has the option to copy themselves on the e-mail for their records (admin configurable). Admin can set most fields on the form to be hidden or shown. The symbol and colour of the mandatory field marker is configurable Multiple custom fields of different types

Requires the e107 Helper Project to be installed.

source: https://e107.org/plugins/?id=226


Content plugin

Source: original core e107 V1 plugin, just backup of 1.0.4 version

Updated version is not released.



Creative-Writer for version 0.7 by Father Barry


fixed version is part. fixed plugin for new plugin and extended for fanfiction drabbles, never finished, they decided go for efiction script

Just backup



CSS online takeover by Daddy Cool

Description: Takeover of your CSS without changing the normal style.css file

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Cups Plugin by Crytiqal.Aero

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Custom Page Maker 1.1.7

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description TEST version of the custom page plugin, replaces the core custom page creation.

You need my PROTOTYPE plugin with this plugin. You must copy cpage.php to the root of your web site.



Delete me v 1.7 Barry Keal

Source: https://osdn.net/projects/sfnet_e107german/releases/

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Dictionary by mcfly_e107

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PayPal Donate 1.3 by Cameron, Barry, Richard

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Event Registration by Mathias Gajhede / DTilmeld (MAG)

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e107Slider for version 0.7 by xenthemes

forked originally from https://github.com/nickypn/e107Slider

but author site is not available anymore



Helper Project v1.1b by bugrain

Development continues here: https://github.com/e107inc/e107helpers

original version: 20-Nov-2008

state: fixed all visible errors

compatible: 2.1.6




Helper Project Developer



Description: This detects mobile browsers and overrides your e107 theme to suit the display. Change the look and feel of your mobile theme within the plugin.

Just backup



e_Classifieds Plugin for e107

source: e107-german.de


e_Version 1.3

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description A plugin to assist other plugin authors inform when plugin updates are available.


e_version, eversion

eversion plugin for version 0.7 by Father Barry

eversion forked originally from https://github.com/yesszus/eversion

backup version from 08/2016



ebattles e107 plugin by Frederic Marchais (qam4)

source: https://github.com/qam4/ebattles

just backup



ecaptcha by Richard Perry

Description: A simple plugin that makes it obvious when you have unread private messages waiting.

Author credit: Richard Perry

Want to allow anonymous posting without the spam ?

Want to prevent bots registering accounts on your site ?

eCaptcha is here to help guard your site.

Protection measures range from the simple invisible and submit buttom to the advanced image audio captcha and reCaptcha.net

A moderation system allows you to quarantine any link spam that gets through.


Signup, Comments, Forum, Chatbox, Logon, Forgot Password, Contact Form, Submit News, Submit Content, Submit Link, Report Broken Download, Guestbook 3.3+

Original: greycube.com

just backup



Enemy Down Rank v1.3 by Richard Perry

Description: This shows your league rank on Enemy Down without needing to embed javascript in your site.

Author credit: Richard Perry

Why use this instead of the javascript ?

Original: greycube.com

just backup



ePlayer v1.91 rc4 by bugrain beyond repair

original version: 29-May-2007

ePlayer is a media player plugin that allows media clips to be displayed by category. ePlayer is configurable from the Admin area of e107. Media clips ...

not point to fix it, this functionality is in core now


election plugin

Development continues here: https://github.com/e107inc/election

To get 0.7 work for 1.0.4 you need to change core: handlers/emote.php and comment function r_emote() Calendar doesn't work, but you can change dates manually





FAQ Plugin by Father Barry 4.9

This is rewritten as kbase plugin in https://github.com/G4HDU-plugins/kbase probably because FAQ plugin is in core now. But it doesn't work. Easier would be start from beginning.

state: available fixed version for php 7.0 and e107 2.2.0 ! Only fixes, nothing more

version from e107-german.de : 4.2 - not available anymore



fbox plugin Corllete Lab Feature Box v1.0

Author: SecretR

source: e107.org

compatible: e107v1+



ForumThanks v0.5 by Jezza101

ForumThanks v0.6 Milad Pazouki




glossary, glosary_fixed

Glossary e107 plugin v1.91 rc4 by Shirka

active fork: https://github.com/rica-carv/glossary



Gold System for e107 v7xx - by Father Barry

source: e107-german.de



Google Ad menu by PhpToys beyond repair

Description: Google adwords menu plugin for e107

state: replaced by new plugin

You can't change original script, all visual settings you are doing now in your GAd account

Replacement: https://github.com/Jimmi08/e107-free-plugins-by-e107sk/tree/master/jmgooglead

Support: https://www.e107sk.com/forum

Documentation: https://www.e107sk.com/documentation/jm-google-ads-plugin/?cat.189


Google Translate Menu 1.4

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description A translation menu for your site. Either use a menu or a shortcode.

Adds many more languages and option in admin config for users to add new ones when htey become available.



GUESTBOOK PLUGIN V4.0 by Chavo & Rich & Titanik, new functions by Smarti

Version: 4.2

Source: https://osdn.net/projects/sfnet_e107german/releases/

Just backup

version from e107-german.de 4.1



Image gallery

just backup



IPN PayPal Donate Menu v1.0 by Klutsh

The IPN PayPal Donate Menu Plugin allows you to quickly and easily setup a PayPal donation button on your website.

This version I started after deciding to set a Donators class on my site, and got fed up doing it all by hand.

Based on PayPal Donate Menu 1.3 by whoisrich, I have added IPN notification.

A New MySQL table is used to log all transactions, and as it is the IPN script updates signed-in users to the class with ID 2.

Option to display the Total of the Recoreded donations.

I have also added SandBox mode to allow you to play about with it should you want.

source: e107.org




JbClan for version 0.7 by jbWebWare 2013

Source: https://github.com/jbWebWare/jbClan

Site is down.

added some old fix



Job search plugin by Father Barry

this plugin is not available anymore

state: just backup

Not available anymore



Join Us by udesigns

still able download: http://www.udesigns.be/shop-i81-e107-join-us

state: just backup

note: needs to use e107_images/clan for images and a lot of extra stuff

EDIT: the author's site is not available anymore




KroozeArcade for e107 v0.7.5 courtesy by Penbrock.com

description: A plugin to implement an arcade in e107 with high score tables.

State: works with 2.1.7 After quick fix: not visible errors

Php version: not compatible with php7

NEW: there is newer 8.0 version. Fixed blank page for version 2.0.0.

You can download it as 8.0.1 from https://www.e107.sk/download/category/1/kroozearcade/

Php version: not compatible with php7

Not fully tested without feedback.



Last IP v0.5 by SharkyDog

This plugin writes into db last 5,6,10, ... IP addresses used by some user.

source: https://e107.org/plugins/?id=672

it's not listed in plugin manager maybe because missing author

just backup



Latest Release Menu for e107 v7xx - by Father Barry




League Table by Father Barry

Just backup



Live Game Server List v5.7 by Richard Perry


there is updated version for e107 2.2 and PHP 7

More info: https://www.e107sk.com/



Library management system plugin by daddycool78

just backup



Link Request plugin by Roger A. Lareau

just backup



Links Page plugin

Originally core version 1.0.4 plugin

Updated: https://github.com/Jimmi08/e107-free-plugins-by-e107sk/tree/master/links_page Support: https://www.e107sk.com/



Locator Plugin by nlstart beyond repair

Original version 1.3 (released January 20, 2011)

just backup

not possible just fix it, google API totally changed



Description: With this plugin users can write their own blog. just backup



MemberList - Alternative Member List by Michiel Horvers

just backup



Messenger Status by Jedi (Based on messenger_status_menu_v3.0)

version 3.10

Source: https://osdn.net/projects/sfnet_e107german/releases/

just backup


My Level 1.4

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description Latest incarnation of mylevel menu - hopefully ok but please reports any bugs in the bugtracker




source: e107-german.de




Online advanced info menu by TheMadMonk


there is updated version for e107 2.2 and PHP 5.6

More info: https://www.e107sk.com/



On This Day plugin V1.5 by Father Barry

original version: 16 February 2009

still able download: http://keal.me.uk/e107_plugins/download/download.php?action=view&id=149

original author: https://github.com/G4HDU

state: fixed visible error


pagestat, pagestat_fixed

PageStat e107 plugin by Ajdar

FIXED: fully updated for version 2.1.3, not used anymore




PM Alert by Richard Perry

Description: A simple plugin that makes it obvious when you have unread private messages waiting.

Author credit: Richard Perry

Original: greycube.com

just backup




Prune Users 3.1

Prune Inactive Users by Barry Keal

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description A plugin to help maintain your user list. Select those users who have not visited your site or who have not made a forum posting in a specified number of days. Or those who have not made sufficient chat, or forum posts, comments and visits.

Optionaly, email users you are going to delete before deletion or when they are deleted. You can change the email message in the language file.

Always ensure you have a backup of your database before bulk deletion operations - just in case.

just backup



PView Gallery

source: e107-german.de



just backup



Random Avatar Menu v0.2.2 by killerpope

Displays any number of user-avatars in a menu. The list is generated randomly every second/hour/day/week/month. You can also exclude certain avatars (e.g. generic avatars provided for people who don't want to upload their own avatar)

source: https://e107.org/plugins/?id=302

FIXED version 0.2.3 (not updated) Fix: avatar issue and layout change, removed deprecated fuction Download 0.2.3: possible from https://www.e107sk.com/download/24/random-avatar-menu-by-killerpope



Rank System by Michiel Horvers

Version : 1.5

just backup




Plugin make possible star rating - news, files in download, comments, users.

Source: akogo // e107help.org

Author: aSeptik




source: e107-german.de




author: Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy



Reviewer by Father Barry

A Plugin to list and solicit reviewer from users

Version : 1.7

just backup



Roster by Carl Taylor

Description: Clan roster (without the medals, and ranks). Designed for non military clans. Author: nephilim222

Source: https://e107.org/plugins/?id=410

Credit: The product is Copyrighted by Carl Taylor. Any distribution or changing and redistribution of products without the consent of its original owner is a violation of Copyright laws.

state: just backup



RWar v1.4

An E107 based Clan War Management plugin by Richard Perry

Author: Richard Perry

Source: https://www.greycube.com/site/download.php?view.11


state: just backup



e107 Clock Menu

Author: Crytiqal

state: just backup

source: wrxxy



e107 Universal Seo Pack

Author: Mohamed Anouar

Add SEO optimization , Robot Meta Tag , SEF urls to your site

source: e107.org

compatible: e107v1+




just backup




source: e107-german.de

e_Classifieds Plugin for e107 updated, here is original version too



Signup Secure

Description: With this Plugin you defend your website from spam bots.

Author credit: Oyabun

Original: from e107.org

Update for version 2: https://github.com/Jimmi08/e107-free-plugins-by-e107sk/tree/master/signup_secure

Support: https://www.e107sk.com/forum/



Simple Content v1.0b

original version: 20-Nov-2008

not possible just fix it, used JSHelper plugin for admin area

compatible: 2.1.6



e107 Advanced XML Sitemap Generator

Author: Mohamed Anouar

this plugin wil generate a XML Sitemap for all the news

source: e107.org

timestamp: 2010-08-22


tagcloud, tagcloud_fixed

e107: Top Tag tagclouds for e107

A fully featured Tagword system source: e107 version 2.1.2

Original files from e107.org (3646---tagcloud_v1.01) It's not there anymore. Author: Jezzy101 Original site: not available

Not able to use because conflict with core plugin name

FIXED: fixed version 2.0.0, most things updated, no visible errors, see changelog

NEW version: plugin needs new name



e107: Simply Tagcloud menu v1.1

by Jezza101

Simple tag cloud example, not tested


Original site: not available



e107: Tagwords plugin for e107

2.1.3: Tagwords plugin removed from core, replaced by TagCloud plugin (introduced in v2.1.2)



by bugrain





Timed Userclass 1.1.2

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description Add or delete users from classes on specific dates. Beta test version



TG Link To Us by Frederick McAninch

source: e107-german.de




Top Downloads Menu




Tournaments v1.2 by morpheas

This is a plug-in that can run a tournament on a flash game similar to those used in kroozearcade. You only have to upload the game and set up a tournament on it!

source: https://e107.org/plugins/?id=591

just backup



Tutorial Archiver 2.0 by e107 Italia in 2013

Original plugin by: Jordan 'Glasseater' Mellow, 2007

original version: 2007 + revison 2013

original author: no idea

just backup




User Flags Menu by JmoRava, Oxigen

FIXED: updated for version 2.0


User Changed Settings 1.2

Author Father Barry Author website www.keal.me.uk Description A simple plugin which uses the e107 notify to advise when a user has changed their settings




description: http://www.e107club.ru/download.php?view.437

Author credit: Yodjik

Original: http://www.e107club.ru/download.php?view.437 working only with Russian version

Works through the wargaming.net API directly, without passing data to third-party services. Since this is an alpha, some things will be further developed, but in general the module is already functional. To use, you need to get the Application ID here.



e107 What plugin

Author: Patrick Weaver

What is a collection of site activity based menu items.

source: e107.org

compatible: e107v1+

** end of alphabetically ordered list **

e107 nCode Image Resizer

Author: Mohamed Anouar Achoukhy

state: just backup

source: wrxxy


e107 Email Inbox

Author: Mohamed Anouar

This plugin will let you manage inbox emails

source: e107.org

compatible: e107v1+


EasyShop plugin by nlstart

original:https://github.com/e107inc/e107-easyshop state: works with 2.1.3

PayPal Donate Menu v1.3 by Richard Perry

Description: The PayPal Donate Menu Plugin allows you to quickly and easily setup a PayPal donation button on your website.

Author credit: Richard Perry

This version I started after my PayPal email address was being harvested and started getting lots of spam.

Based on PayPal Donate Menu 1.2 by Cam and Bazzer, I have added light protection, designed to mask the PayPal email without causing hassle to any donors.

I also took the opportunity to go through all the code, updating, tidying and fixing a few things.

If you want to try it out, feel free to make a donation at GreyCube.com

Original: greycube.com

just backup



YouTube Gallery v4.01 - by Erich Radstake

Courtesy of akogo

Fixed version ? https://github.com/yesszus/ytm_gallery




Courtesy of akogo


RuSsE e107 League 0.75 Courtesy of e1074ax.de


RuSsE News Slider Courtesy of e1074ax.de



Mein kleines Onlineshop Courtesy of e1074ax.de



4xA-LNM (Last- News- Menu) version 0.5.1
Courtesy of e1074ax.de


EMS v1.0 - by iNfLuX EMS v1.7 - by RuSsE

Members search

This Plugin permit it the member database with certain filters to scan. Courtesy of e1074ax.de




e107 LEAGUE-TAP is a additive Plugin to the e107 LEAGUE Plugin. It makes possible to deliver the registered users to the plays in the league hints. Courtesy of e1074ax.de


4xA-Sporttipps v.0.9.5 - by RuSsE

To provide a Plugin around tapping rounds for verscheidene sport championships. Courtesy of e1074ax.de


4xA-UTL (Users-Team-List or Website-Crew) v0.5 - by RuSsE

Ein Plugin, um die Benutzer die an der Hompage arbeiten ( so genannte Hompage-Crew ) anzuzeigen. Courtesy of e1074ax.de


4xA-Formular v0.10 - by RuSsE (www.e107.4xA.de)

Courtesy of e1074ax.de


4xA-EMS v0.7 - by RuSsE (www.e107.4xA.de) 29.10.2009

A Plugin that it permits to filter the users after the approved Bunutzer data.

Courtesy of e1074ax.de


4xA-UED v0.1 - by Operator99 (www.e107.4xA.de) 04.06.2013

"A plugin that helps efektiev the administrators to manage the user tables.


Auction by bugrain (www.bugrain.plus.com)

Auction plugin for holding online auctions


JSHelper by bugrain (www.bugrain.plus.com)

Helper plugin to include JavaScript frameworks and libraries for use by other plugins.


Timeout Popup by bugrain

Configure Timeout Popup


Trigger by bugrain (www.bugrain.plus.com)

Calendar, appointment and event organiser.


UserJournals plugin for e107 website system Authors: Del Rudolph, SKiTZ716, bkwon, bugrain

Allows members of e107 site to maintain their own journals.

Fixed for e107 2.3.0 and php 7.2



Yellow Pages by bugrain (www.bugrain.plus.com)

A complete business directory listing.


Scrolling News Menu by nlstart

News scroller

Parts based on scrolling banner menu By BaD_DuD (Roger Wallin)


Slideshow plugin by nlstart

Slideshow menus


EasyGallery - a plugin by nlstart

A simple gallery with autogenerated thumbnails.


IRDJ (e107) BY MARTINJ | VERSION 1.2 | January 2008

IRDJ - DJ Schedule & Profile management system for Internet Radio websites.

