A complete React Redux starterkit, configured with Webpack
Install Project :
yarn setup
---> Remove git repository, install dependencies, and set package.json infos
yarn start // Start dev server
yarn build // Compile Project
yarn build:srv // Compile Project && Launch server for testing new build
yarn test // Execute tests with Jest
yarn test:watch // Execute tests with Jest an watch mode
yarn test:coverage // Generate coverage report based on the tests
yarn commit // Run Commitizen to write beautiful commits
yarn release // Run standard-version which generate changelog from commits names and increment release version
yarn post-release [branch] // Push to remote branch with tags
Also, you can use this command to speed up your workflow :
yarn mk [action] <component name || array of components> [options]
It use mk-react-comp without global install. Full details and documentation on the webpage
React Default Components | Description |
React-intl | Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations. |
React Modal | React Modal Component |
React Notification | React Notification Component |
React Carousel | React Carousel Component |
React-simple-dropdown | Non-prescriptive React.js dropdown toolkit |
Redux-form | The best way to manage your form state in Redux |
React-Paginate | A ReactJS component to render a pagination |
React Sticky | Sticky component for awesome React apps |
Redux Persist | Persist and rehydrate a redux store |
React Helmet | A document head manager for React |
React Loadable | A higher order component for loading components with dynamic imports |
Function / Class | Description | |
Alignments | flexbox(value = row) | Add display: flex & flex-direction: $direction |
justify(value = center) | Add justify-content: $value | |
align(value = center) | Add align-items: $value | |
center(direction = row) | Add all previous functions for perfect center alignment | |
wrap(wrap = wrap) | change flex wrap | |
Fonts | truncate() | Truncate text on a single line |
truncateMulti(font-size, line-height, lines-to-show) | Truncate text on multilines | |
font-size(value) | Remify font-size | |
Hidden | .hidden | Simple display: none |
Shadow | shadowDepth(n) | Add box-shadow on different depth level (0 to 5, 0 being 'none') |
Hoverable | hover(bgColor, textColor, darkenValue = 12%) | Define BG / text color and add darken color on :hover |
hoverText(textcolor, darkenValue = 12%) | Define text color and add darken color on :hover | |
shadowHover(depth = 1, hoverDepth = 3) | Add box-shadow, and stronger box-shadow on :hover | |
Radius | radius(value) | Set border-radius on element |