JimmyTournemaine / dev-tutorial

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Dev' Tutorial

Getting started


OS Specific requirements

Build and run

If you have Python3 installed set the DEVTUTO_COMPOSE environment variable like the following export DEVTUTO_COMPOSE="$(pwd)/bin/compose/compose.py". Otherwise, you should download the bundled script for your OS in the last CI/CD build and set the DEVTUTO_COMPOSE variable accordingly.

Run with compose

# Development environment (watching for changes)
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize dev 

# Production environment (pull officially deployed production images)

The compose command will generally open your browser at the deployed application page. You can also use the following links.

Documentation reference

Compose Tool

Compose is the project CLI which relies on the deployer (the Ansible project named dev-tutorial-deployer) to build and run any environment, generate the documentation, etc.

To setup your compose path, follow the Getting started instructions


The compose outputs help any time you provide the -h option. The help will be more accurate if you provide subcommands.

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE -h # general help
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize -h # dockerize help


Build and run docker container using the local Docker daemon.

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize -h

Show the help message for the command

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize dev

Run a local development environment :

To get more control over the running service, you can run commands like the following to run a container that is just waiting. Then, you can open a shell in the container and run what you want. For example to run the normal api but run the app container without starting the application, you can run :

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize dev -a run_app_command='sleep infinity'

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize test
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize test -s api # only API tests
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize test -s app # only Angular tests

Run a local test environment :

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize ci
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize ci -s api # only API tests
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize ci -s app # only Angular tests

Run CI/CD-like checks. You should run this command before any pull request to make sure the CI/CD pipeline will not fail. If all tests passed, you should then check your code quality using the lint command


$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE docs generate

Generate the complete project documentation from some documentation files, code documentation and specification, to expose a global project documentation at http://localhost:8000.


Get a shell
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE deployer sh

To open a shell or execute a specific command in the deployer container.

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE deployer 'ansible-playbook ara.yml'

The ARA (ARA Records Ansible) can be enable any time using the ara playbook to record all the future Ansible plays (http://localhost:12000)

To deactivate and clean ARA, just run the previous command with --tags=cleanup.

Unit tests (molecule)
# Run tests from the compose script
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE test-deployer <role_name>
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE test-deployer --all

# Run tests from shell (to get more control)
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE deployer sh



Run linters and quality checks over all the project. You can provide the --fix option to fix auto-fixable lint issues. A full iteration takes about 50 minutes to complete. To run specific linters, you should therefore pass some options.


The full linters and languages list if available from the Megalinter documentation


$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE security <dev|prod>

Run security scan against running servers. You must have start a development or production environment beforehand.

# Full run
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize <dev|prod>
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE security <dev|prod>

# Run only API security checks
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize -s api
$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE security --api



Package the production images and push them to the Docker repository to be usable by the deploy command.



Deploy the production environment, on the local Docker daemon yet.

Compose testing

Pytest tests can be run to check that the compose CLI has not been broken.

Warning! System calls are mocked, so "tests passed" does not means that the script will work as expected. This testing is focusing on statements coverage to make sure the code has no error in its logic and purposes.

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)/bin:/usr/src" --workdir=/usr/src/compose python:3 bash
pip install -U pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov
python -m pytest --cov --no-cov-on-fail --cov-report=term-missing

Or using a one-shot command :

docker run --rm -t -v "$(pwd)/bin:/usr/src" --workdir=/usr/src/compose python:3 bash -c "
pip install -U pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov
python -m pytest --cov --no-cov-on-fail --cov-report=term-missing"



your-host$ docker exec -it dev-tutorial-api bash
container# yarn add <my-deps>
container# ^D
your-host$ $DEVTUTO_COMPOSE dockerize dev

Security update

The yarn audit command do not provide the fix option like npm do. To automatically fix issues, run the following commands.

npm i --package-lock-only
npm audit fix
rm yarn.lock
yarn import
rm package-lock.json
yarn audit


Any modification of the API has an impact on the front. Thus, these changes must be considered:

To get the current API documentation, run the following commands.

$DEVTUTO_COMPOSE docs generate

Commands Cheatsheet

Retrieve node_modules from containers to local host for IDE support

# Clean
rm -rf ./dev-tutorial-api/node_modules
rm -rf ./dev-tutorial-app/node_modules

# Fetch dependencies
docker cp dev-tutorial-api:/usr/src/app/api/node_modules ./dev-tutorial-api/
docker cp dev-tutorial-app:/usr/src/app/app-ui/node_modules ./dev-tutorial-app/

Note : the dockerize script already retrieve dependencies after a successful dev environment startup.

Quality Assurance

Before creating a pull request, you should run the following commands (there will also be CI-checked):



You can run the following command :