Jinterest, a Pinterest clone, is a social media application allow users to pin new ideas, discover inspiration through other users' shared images, or anything of interest to boards they have created.
User can create account and login. Using BCrypt gem and SecureRandom module to create user authentication, and validator for input validation.
Implemented masonry style layout.
User can select board or pin tag.
render() {
const { currentUser, user, boards, pins, openModal, closeModal } = this.props;
const userBoards = boards.filter(board => board.user_id === user.id);
const userPins = pins.filter(pin => pin.user_id === user.id);
const contentTabs = [
<BoardIndexContainer user={user} boards={userBoards}/>,
<PinIndexContainer selectedPins={userPins}/>
const selectedTab = contentTabs[this.state.selectedSwitch];