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beaulivre Theorem Error #3

Closed Teddy-van-Jerry closed 2 years ago

Teddy-van-Jerry commented 2 years ago


I am now encountering a problem after updating beaulivre and projlib to the latest CTAN version (i.e. 0424). I reckon this has something to do with the newly added theorem environment or their modification (Commits 5aeedfe96537a4e5b75df8b4c71f3292a36c220c, 8a52345ec08c1cfa6b38ac8bf55279ddde32273b, 27bae102e9eccf24b7bc7ea0ec07576dd76a4fb0, 455643fc174ec731fa303515f31688bdc9e2d375). Due to my poor knowledge of expl3 and understanding of projlib package, I cannot figure out where the problem lies.

Systems and Versions

Compiling Information

I am using LaTeXmk (XeLaTeX) to compile my document which has the class as

\documentclass[Chinese,TC,use boldface,simple name]{beaulivre} % the same result with `fast' option

Compile with options

latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdfxe

And with one of the errors

/usr/local/texlive/2022/texmf-dist/tex/latex/projlib/projlib-theorem.sty:167: Package create-theorem Error: The theorem-like environment "application"
(create-theorem)                cannot be created, you have to name it
(create-theorem)                before initialization.

Type <return> to continue.

l.167   }

In all, application, claim, construction, recall, proposition-definition, theorem-definition fail but I did not use these enviormnets in my document.

The complete log information is here.

Thank you in advance!

Jinwen-XU commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the bug report. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the error on my side, probably because I'm using the Github version which contains several changes not yet uploaded to CTAN (I've been busy preparing my exams recently, my apology).

From your log I'm not able to tell the version of the package create-theorem you are using. If after updating it to the currently newest version (2022-04-23) the issue remains, then please consider using the GitHub version of projlib and beaulivre as a temporary workaround. To my understanding the changes after 2022-04-24 are not related to this issue, so this is probably because create-theorem is not up-to-date.

P.S. I think you can drop the language options Chinese,TC. These options are originally designed because at the time the originalref mode of theorems was really slow and specifying the language with global option could save a lot of time. However, after several attempts of optimization (especially the birth of create-theorem) the performance issue has been resolved, thus these language options are not very useful for now. With this option given, \UseLanguage{English} will not be available and the line spacing might be too large if (occasionally) you wish to write English paragraphs in your book.

Teddy-van-Jerry commented 2 years ago

Now the problem is resolved after I update the create-theorem package. Thank you for your generous help!

Initially, I thought create-theorem is part of projlib so I did not realize it is a separate package. I am wondering if you could add DEPENDS.txt in the CTAN repo so that all these dependent packages will be updated automatically.

This request is not that urgent so you might consider it after your exams. I also came here after I finished all the mid-term exams :-)

Jinwen-XU commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion (I didn't know about DEPENDS.txt before :)

I have added the necessary dependency information in Jinwen-XU/create-theorem@e63212c354132611c41c209eacc91c8ce58c8767, Jinwen-XU/ProjLib@5b61fbfccc31675eadaafdfa9d9750e509432b43, Jinwen-XU/minimalist@c77f4197899c5b19ffee4c724f94f2e84025615e and 4ef38413ab5cac70d2d8759a6c7b6653c611b4e3 here. They should take effect the next time they get updated on CTAN.