Jinwen-XU / colorist

Write your articles or books in a colorful way
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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article book latex latex-class latex-template latex3 typesetting

colorist bundle: write you documents in a colorful way

New documentations are still being written. For now, only the core code is included in TeX Live 2024 and MiKTeX (old documentations have been removed from the distribution).


colorist is a collection of styles and classes that helps you to typeset articles and books with a colorful design.

Package dependencies: amsfonts, amsthm, anyfontsize, bookmark, caption, draftwatermark, embrac, enumitem, extramarks, fancyhdr, float, fontspec, geometry, graphicx, hyperref, ifoddpage, iftex, imakeidx, lua-widow-control, indentfirst, marginnote, mathpazo, mathtools, newpx, nowidow, parskip, pgf, projlib, regexpatch, relsize, silence, tcolorbox, tikzpagenodes, titlesec, titletoc, wrapfig2, ulem.

It mainly consists of two parts.

How to get these files

You can get the .sty and .cls files mentioned above by compiling colorist.ins:

latex colorist.ins


Compared with usual document classes, it has the following features:


This work is released under the LaTeX Project Public License, v1.3c or later.