JnLlnd / CSVBuddy

CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load/save/export files with various delimiters and lots of options. Freeware.
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CSV Buddy (v3.0) - Read me

CSV Buddy helps you make your CSV files ready to be imported by a variety of software. Load files with all sort of field delimiters (comma, tad, semi-colon) and encapsulators (double/single-quotes or any other). Convert line breaks in data field (XL ready). Rename/reorder fields, merge fields in new columns, add/edit records, filter or search, search and replace, save with any delimiters and export to fixed-width, HTML templates or XML formats. Automate tasks with scripting. Unicode ready. Freeware.

Written using AutoHotkey_L v1.1.09.03+ (https://www.autohotkey.com/)
By Jean Lalonde (JnLlnd on AHK forum
First official release: 2013-11-30



2022-07-14 v3.0

Merge fields

User interface - Font size and screen scaling

User interface - Various improvements

Scripting (beta)

2017-12-10 v2.1.6

2017-07-20 v2.1.5

2017-07-20 v2.1.4

2016-12-23 v2.1.3

2016-12-22 v2.1.2

2016-12-20 v2.1.1

2016-10-20 v2.1

2016-09-06 v2.0

2016-08-31 v1.3.9.1

2016-08-28 v1.3.9

2016-07-23 v1.3.3

2016-06-08 v1.3.2

2016-05-21 v1.3.1

2016-05-18 v1.3

2014-08-31 v1.2.3

2014-03-17 v1.2.2

2014-03-09 v1.2.1

2014-03-07 v1.2

2013-12-30 v1.1

2013-12-27 v1.0.1

2013-11-30 v1.0

2013-11-03 v0.9

2013-10-20 v0.8.1

2013-10-18 v0.8.0

Copyright 2013-2016 Jean Lalonde

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Jean Lalonde, ahk@jeanlalonde.ca