JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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Make clientsided values configurable in GoT_Settings.sqf #109

Open JoSchaap opened 10 years ago

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

options to Enable/Disable

options to configure

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Maybe have a "defaults" system that we can override in the config.... something as simple as

if (isNil "initial_money") then { initial_money = 200 };

then in config you can define "initial_money" to what ever you want (which presumably will be evaluated before anything else).

we can always create a function like in spawnAction.sqf: ["initial_money", 200] call fnc_default_or_set;

in config.sqf: initial_money = 100;

the Main benefit of this is basically anything implemented in this fashion can be configured via config.sqf. Then everyone can, for instance enable or disable items according to their liking without us having to explicitly define them as configurable.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

that was the idea but then by using the external config file so admins no longer have to tear appart the PBO to change these settings :)

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

I know, thats why i suggested it :).

This style should be a drop-in replacement for anything you want to make configurable with the current setup. if (isNil "initial_money") then { initial_money = 200 };

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

I would suggest a GoT_Wasteland-default-config.sqf file at the root of the PBO that will be first executed, then after, if GoT_Wasteland-config.sqf exists, it will be executed too, thus overriding previous values.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

good idea :+1:

SCETheFuzz commented 10 years ago

Aww but I love spending my weekends tearing apart Jo's work :D