JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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implement new version of antihax #13

Closed JoSchaap closed 11 years ago

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

new version was posted on bis forums, have a look at it :)

k4n30 commented 11 years ago


JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

I checked the code, and aside from the anti-teleport, which checks if a player has moved more than 200m within each second, and banned vehicles, it's the roughly the same thing as mine.

My latest update of the anti-hack in revision D is now anti-anti-hack-proof, if you still want it. It uses BIS_fnc_MP for communication, and the server-side flagging method is compileFinal'd. Everything now has checksums to make it harder for hackers to trigger flags for other players on purpose.

Anyway, anti-teleport is not a good thing, because it would also kick admins that teleport via Wasteland's U menu, and with banned vehicles, any hacker can just spawn a banned vehicle and give it to an unknowing victim, which would get her flagged, and not the hacker.

The funny thing is, most server owners seem to install that anti-hack right away in its current form, however the banned scripts and banned variables lists come empty, so in reality it isn't that much effective if you don't know where to find the values to detect. The only thing that comes with values is the banned addons list, but many hackers just use CheatEngine to detour the game to their scripts, so they don't need to use addons.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

oh you tackled them resetting the flags? i just kept renaming the eventhandler and variablenames every update :P

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Yeah. Also, I separated everything in different files, but I made a single-file version too, I'll give it to you this evening.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

great, im trying to build new dialog windows (never done it before but i think im getting there) :)

k4n30 commented 11 years ago

@AgentRev how can I contact you, I have my own which we could combine into a super antihack :)

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

edit misread it

that dialog was for the gunstores etc :)

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@AgentRev after concideration your version was indeed the better choice. will be implemented in v2.1