JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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Merges #24

Closed MercyfulFate closed 10 years ago

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

Hey, I've been making quite a few changes in my own fork, and plan on making quite a few more. If your interested, we can talk about merging the stuff back into your code base.

I plan on making some pretty serious changes, so might want to sit down and make sure that it will suit what you want to do.


JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

ive been looking into your fork ass-well

today and this weekend il will be staging 2 DEV branch only updates first

what interests me especially are your idea's on the inventory system and such, please be aware to use the 2.1 code rather then the 2.0 version because there where some nasty bugs in it :)

so cut short, yes we should stick our heads together, but with beta content comming to DEV branch today it will take a while for me to find the time for it :+1:

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

Most of what I have done so far is proof of concept... as I have only been working with arma/sqf on and off for a week now. currently working on persistence of players/base_materials.

I've added "spawn beacons" and "warchests" but both need to be cleaned up and tested (haven't played with anyone else on the new code yet). Most of what I have done so far has little/no reliance on 2.0 code, however I have removed/modified a large portion of it so far.

If you can get the 2.2 code out by Sunday I'll put a pull request in.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

i hope to get 2.2 out today (some minor issues i want resolved)

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

I've re-based my work to you're 2.2 master. There are alot of changes, and the warchest stuff is not ready for release yet (working on it tonight). There are some fundamental changes to how the inventory works, as well as spawn beacon code.

On a side note, all my global variables and functions are prefixed with "mf_". its a hook so i can obfuscate the code to prevent script kiddies easily changing things (and avoiding the anti-hack i am working on). Its quite a long way off... and not sure if it will ever be released main stream so you can leave them or remove them.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@MercyfulFate v2.21 will be here soon but ill try not to replace complete files so that the code changes can be seen :)

just need to fix the issue with the findsafepos spam, and implement a check for streamfriendlyUI :) rest is allready pre-placed in the temp branch for v2.21

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

Sounds good. if you can, could you create a development branch that contains all the confirmed code for next release? that way i can work of that, and submit pull requests to that rather than master. also means i don't have to guess what branch your working in :).

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

this comparission link should update with the changes i make :)

it compares my temp branch with the current master

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

I've got most the release sorted out... just awating friends to come online so I can test some multiplayer aspects like stealing spawn beacons and such. hopefully soon!

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

2.21 is out :)

ill keep the link posted above working so you know what changed :)

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

Looking into the radar and was planing on using the "reveal" command, however I'm getting inconsistant positions. Sometimes its the correct position, other times its old (as in 5mins ago). You have any experience with it?

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

no i've just used the radius detection triggers for now (like the gunstore's use)

btw, on DEV branch my servers are running a preview of v2.3 dayly updated :)

MercyfulFate commented 11 years ago

Pity. It would be perfect for the radar. I'm out of town for week and I'm still playing around with the inventory... I got a branch ready to go but i still need more testing... when i get back ill put together a pull-request with the basic items. From then on it should be small pull-requests for each new item/feature.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

there's no need to rush at things :)

im gettnig alot done for v2.3 atm which will be a complete game changer once again :)

take your time and well keep in contact :)

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

did your mission have that fatique counter? because thats actually a nice idea :)

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Hey, I've hopefully got the inventory system sorted. atm its only food/water but there are some serious changes in the back end which will make the rest pretty fast.

I've pushed it to my fork so if you want to check it out its there. Not sure of the performance impact, if you notice any performance hit let me know

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Heres the link to the branch: its based off your TESTING_V23 branch.