JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

WARNING! This repo is no longer updated, find the updated version on the A3Wasteland git! -
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fix the mission.. #53

Closed JoSchaap closed 11 years ago

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

went abit overboard updating provinggrounds fpr v2.3. current mission state = FUBAR will fix it but i got a family too xD

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

all of todays updates have been reverted. the new provinggrounds will be a future idea. not for v2.3

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

ok it is the dev branch itself thats broken today CVG_Rifles is no longer here.. bangs head to desk

ahwell server downgraded to stable and will try again tomorrow!

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

I checked both our masters, and the CVG variables are never even used.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

its in function > servervars :)

but it has been fixed allready :)

the only thing that doesnt work on DEV branch is the respawn dialog. no idea why...

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Yes they are declared in serverVars, but they are not actually used anywhere.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

lol xD

ahwell there is a more serious flaw in dev atm pettka will be looking into it tomorrow

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

bis and dayz forums where hacked.. this will be continued after they fix the forums :)

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

seems to be fixed, although im sticking to the stable branch untill we have the forums back :1