JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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(Feature) Add a way to re-arm armed vehicles #71

Open JoSchaap opened 10 years ago

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago
JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

or alternatively create an ammotruck mission using a normal truck with some variables set to it's init allowing 3-5 reloads before its empty :)

but i like the first idea better

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

How about Land_Suitcase_F? Or Box_IND_Support_F?

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

suitcase is allready the repairkit ;)

ill think of something :+1:

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Why not combine the two ideas.... Have a ammo truck mission like in arma 2... But only explosive experts close enought(or maybe in the truck) can rearm vehicles/helicopters.

Rather than a long animation, have it incrementally increase the ammo in the the vehicle (if its possible).

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

You can only increase the ammo if there are magazines left in the vehicle. If all turret ammo counters are at 0, it means there are no more magazines, and new ones must be added.

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

you guys would know more about it than me, but that is how I would try to do it.

up to you guys if you want to do it or not, but that just seems the easiest way, and also adds another mission into the mix. later on you could have an immovable "air dropped crate" (another mission?) that players can refill their ammo trucks at.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

might make it so that an explsive engeneer needs to have a Box_IND_Support_F nearbye to rearm a vehicle (or maybe from inside the vehicles content (R3F) :)

need to do some more brianstorming over this :)

Cosmo121 commented 10 years ago

How about adding them to the gun store in a separate 'Vehicle Ammo' tab?

For instance, 200Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red, labeled as 'Hunter 200Rnd HMG Ammo'. hunterhmgarma3

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

thats what im going for indeed but need to take some time to code it all in :) offcourse only explosive specialists will be able to use these ;)

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

If you make it so it stores the vehicle magazines in the Wasteland inventory with jerry cans and food, I guess it could work.

I can help you with that if you want. Since you will need to use addMagazineTurret, you will need to know the "turret path" to add the magazine to the proper slot, and I know how to find it.

You will probably have to make entries for every compatible turret in the action menu, since for example the UH80 has 2 turrets using the same ammo, so it can't just be a generic "Load vehicle ammo" action.

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

I'll probably just make you a function to which you pass a vehicle and a magazine name, and it will return you an array of arrays contains the name of turret weapons and their turret path value, for example [["Missiles", [0]], ["Minigun", [1]]]

MercyfulFate commented 10 years ago

Working on my inventory system all today so hopefully I should have a pull request in soon. (now have two account so i dont need to wait for others to test the multiplayer side). If you want I can add another item in for you so you have something to base that off of.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

postponed till v2.4 there just isnt an appropriate part to use..

did find out there's a bomb in the game :) classname 'Bomb' and yes you die if you shoot at it /offtopic

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Sqyrel from the TPG forums mentioned this:

"A new item called Supply Crate - Vehicle Ammo is in the game, pull it up next to your vehicle, and it slowly starts to automatically reload."

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

Ive been playing with those two crates. But they have an endless supply :)

HatchetHarry commented 10 years ago

Hey JoSchaap I scripted the Vehicle Reload as Item for the General store.

I just have to fix 2 Bugs:

Will send you the code, when i am ready Atm i am combining Fussion + Vehicle Buy + GoT + Ammo

Testserver: Armajunkies Myloc Testserver PW: 1234

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

You should put the code on here

HatchetHarry commented 10 years ago

will upload the files on my github. I have already created a base version, to mark the changes. will link it than. there are changes in different files.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

either way any submissions are allways appreciated. and nice to see KOS and others picking up fussion WL :)

HatchetHarry commented 10 years ago Added my version with the ammokits

The version is not productive. I am still fighting against buyguns.sqf. Buying Vehicles is currently not working on the dedicated server. Think i have to learn more about bis_fnc_mp