JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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rename mission pbo filename (community request) and distributionmethod of release #81

Closed JoSchaap closed 10 years ago

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

mission will be available in 4 flavours renamed to:

Daytime version (basesaving:on) Sandbox65_@inidb_GoT_Wasteland_v23day.Stratis.pbo Nighttime version (basesaving:on) Sandbox65@inidb_GoT_Wasteland_v23_night.Stratis.pbo Daytime version (basesaving:off) Sandbox65_GoT_Wasteland_v23_day.Stratis.pbo Nighttime version (basesaving:off) Sandbox65_GoT_Wasteland_v23_night.Stratis.pbo

Each version of the mission will be packaged as a zipfile to include the serversided files needed for the antihack

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Why don't you just add an external settings file with parameters to set daytime and basesaving? Some file like GoT_Wasteland_Settings.sqf to be added in the main ARMA 3 folder like the anti-hack:

// GoT Wasteland Settings

GoT_nightTime = 0; // set to 1 to have the mission start on evening instead of morning
GoT_baseSaving = 0; // set to 1 to enable base-saving (iniDB addon required)
PDB_ServerID = "one"; // iniDB prefix for base filenames - if running multiple servers, set a different value for each one!

Then, in your server\init.sqf, just after the "Server Compile Finished", add:

if (loadFile "GoT_Wasteland_Settings.sqf" != "") then
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "GoT_Wasteland_Settings.sqf";

if (!isNil "GoT_nightTime" && {GoT_nightTime > 0}) then
    setDate [date select 0, date select 1, date select 2, 21, 0];

if (!isNil "GoT_baseSaving" && {GoT_baseSaving > 0}) then
    diag_log "GoT Wasteland - Initializing base-saving";
    execVM "persistentscripts\init.sqf";
JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

was thinking of doing this indeed :)

but im merely stating the mission naming convention :)

AgentRev commented 10 years ago

Yeah but with a settings file, you'd only need a single PBO.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

the time-thing is new to me so thanks for pointing that one out :) ill definately go for that :)

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

ok will be one file with an external settingsfile to define:


Everything will be nicely packaged in a zipfile