JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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v2.3 discussion - please use this for discussion #85

Closed JoSchaap closed 11 years ago

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

* Discusscion thread *

please only discuss here and use the new issue button to report bugs with a full discription and steps to reproduce them

First things first, thanks all for testing, sadly something came up (family thing) so i wasn't able to get any work done yesterday. What i did find out is that there's more things to fix than i initially thought last night..

The list of issues to fix is below:

[Fixed] - general store broken

[Fixed] - briefing missing some line breaks

[Fixed] - increase radius of dead player cleanup (items tend to roll away)

[WontChange-isOK] - The 'you have died from starvation/hunger' hints stay on for too long (decrease its duration)

[Fixed] - investigate an issue where players are randomly spawned mid air in limbo when clicking random (findsafepos failing again?)

[Fixed/WorksAsIntended] - investigate iniDB counter in diag_log 'x objects saved' gets stuck and only increases , should be set to 0 after saving

[Fixed] - investigate server cleanup counter in diag_log '9 dead players 34 AI and 30 clutterred items from the dead have been cleaned up' the numbers are no longer re-setting to 0

[Fixed] - revert to the old vehicle.sqf to see if it fixes the newly added logspam

        Error in expression <F_LOG_remorque", objNull];
        if (!isNull _towedUnit) then
        detach _towedUnit;
        20:30:36   Error position: <_towedUnit) then
        detach _towedUnit;
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _towedunit
        mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\server\functions\vehicle.sqf, line 139

[Fixed] - A new findsafepos issue has introduced itself?, I thought i got rid of this..

        Error in expression <n
        if (!((count (_testPos isFlatEmpty [_objDist, 0, _maxGradient, _objDist max >
        Error position: <_objDist, 0, _maxGradient, _objDist max >
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _objdist
        File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 100
        Error in expression <};
        _pos = [_markerPos, 2, 45, ( if (_type == 1) then { 2 } else { 5 } ), 0, >
        Error position: <_type == 1) then { 2 } else { 5 } ), 0, >
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _type
        File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\server\spawning\vehicleCreation.sqf, line 30
        Error in expression <n
        if (!((count (_testPos isFlatEmpty [_objDist, 0, _maxGradient, _objDist max >
        Error position: <_objDist, 0, _maxGradient, _objDist max >
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _objdist
        File A3\functions_f\misc\fn_findSafePos.sqf, line 100

[Fixed] - various new undefined variable spam in rpt (not sure why bis changed this..)

        Cannot create non-ai vehicle ,
        Error in expression <50);
        _car setDamage (random 0.50);
        if (_type in [0,1]) then
        _car setHit ["whe>
        Error position: <_type in [0,1]) then
        _car setHit ["whe>
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _type
        File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\server\spawning\vehicleCreation.sqf, line 44

        Error in expression <ion Failed: %1",_missionType];
        } else {
        _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
        Error position: <_vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
        File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\server\missions\mainMissions\mission_Convoy.sqf, line 137

[Fixed] - Main mission: coastal patrol, remove the SDV it keeps getting beached by the AI \ investigate why AI tends to beach the boat when engaging players

[Fixed] - extend the time between loot re-spawns and increase precision

[Fixed] - missions no longer delete blown up vehicles..

        Error in expression <%1",_missionType];
        } else {
        if ((damage _vehicle) == 1) then {
        deleteVehicle _ve>
        Error position: <_vehicle) == 1) then {
        deleteVehicle _ve>
        Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehicle
        File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\server\missions\mainMissions\mission_Coastal_Convoy.sqf, line 180

[Fixed] - Clientsided errorspam when in a group and looking at a group member (screen shots below) [Fixed] - clientsided errorspam when in bluefor/opfor and looking at a group member (screen shots below)

[Fixed] - check if bis_fnc_rsclayer or fn_dynamictext has been changed (sometimes causes an error)

[Fixed] - client sided error message when picking up money while to far away from it (screenshot below)

[Should-be-Fixed(TEST!)] - newplayericons ocasionally still drops a clientsided blackbox error about an undefined hud_icon (see jackiechan image below)

[Fixed] - old undefined variable error is back when you stop spectating a player (probably overwritten my own fixes)

2013-07-26_00010 2013-07-26_00011 2013-07-25_00004 2013-07-26_00008 2013-07-26_00012 2013-07-26_00009 2013-07-26_00013 2013-07-26_00018 2013-07-26_00014 2013-07-26_00019 2013-07-26_00020 2013-07-27_00004 jackie-chan-meme

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

You forgot to change all the the variable names in newPlayerIcons.sqf:

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

Still want the lobby error?

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@SCETheFuzz yes please because the game didnt update today so it is being caused by the mission im affraid :)

@AgentRev i didnt notice the underscores, thanks!

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

Have at it, also @AgentRev part of the error has the anti hacks in it. You should know that after mission start I was not able to reproduce the error.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

the logspam was due to me forgetting to rename some vars however the reason for the lobby error i cant seem to find. ive updated the servers im curious if it still happens :)

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Im in now and I havent seen anything odd.

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Can you make a Gist instead of using Pastebin? That site is blocked from work...

TBGGrapidyGrape commented 11 years ago

Jo I will be gone most day .. Will hop in and test later this afternoon .

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@AgentRev you vould use a proxy like ;) ahwell here it is:

@s3kShUn61 good to hear, guess ill see it myself later tonight

@TBG not a problem life comes first ;)

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

My work firewall is very aggressive, everything related to proxies or VPNs is blocked. Even some legit corporate websites are blocked, being marked as "SaaS and B2B", whatever that means. I can't even connect to my home computer via TeamViewer.

I've tried searching what disableSerialization actually does, but this is the only thing I found:

Nobody knows what it is for, which doesn't help. Might be something to do with MP savegames.

It's most likely because running scripts are serialized when saving the game, but that UI types can't be serialized.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

shouldnt you be eating cake? :birthday:

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago ew no. Use They dont report activity to authorities. HMA is not a true VPN since your data isnt private... XD

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

All VPN ports are blocked on outbound. Anyway, I'm not gonna pay for a proxy or VPN just for the workplace when I can wait a couple hours and do it home. Lol.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

HMA is just something from my highschool dayz 14 years ago ;)

@AgentRev i thought it allready had that, will add it now :)

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

I know I've asked alot, but possible release tonight? Everything looks to be good now! Havent seen any errors.

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Improved money pick up, cancels as soon as you get too far, as opposed to the end of the script, and doesn't switch bag mid-way :

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@AgentRev nice one :)

it still spams this on the clientsided RPT

   Warning Message: Variable '_fzf_ic_hud_disp' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script (maybe '') if you need to use it.
   Warning Message: Variable '_hud_icon' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script (maybe '') if you need to use it.
   Warning Message: Variable '_fzf_ic_hud_disp' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script (maybe '') if you need to use it.
   Warning Message: Variable '_hud_icon' does not support serialization. Call 'disableSerialization' in the current script (maybe '') if you need to use it.

seems to just be a warning not sure if it impacts client performance

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

I think I know the problem, try moving disableSerialization just before line 168.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

seems to work :) thanks

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

just need to check if player icons are working now, anyone available to join me? :)

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

yup be on in a sec

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Some other changes and bugfixes that Jo might find useful:

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

nice find, didnt click that button during tests :)

did it find hacked vehicles before you clicked it? because i think it's just an !isnil thing

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

As you can see I'm naked to other players ! :( This is from buying gear from the gun store from sniper to dive gear. I sold each part off by its self then added bought the new stuff.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

You can only wear the ghilly / diver suit from your own team! Thats why the teamname is behind it. Or wait till arma3 fixes it.. :)

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

Wont get this error all the time but I do get it from time to time with the off road.

Also may want to look into the clean up script getting the AI groups, finding a lot of objectives getting cleared with no one in the server with me and no dead body's around.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

cleanup only deleted dead bodies and empty groups

the error on the offroad looks like a arma3 bug, i dont use sethit in the mission code

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Now whats happening with basesaving? I enabled the mod with -mod=@inidb paramater and set basesaving to 1 in your config file but it did not work. When I locked base parts then did a restart they were all reset. Is there more that must be done to enable the mod?

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

@JoSchaap for ghillies and wetsuits:

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@s3kShUn61 do you see it saving/loading in the servers RPT logs? has inidb made a \db\anyObjects.ini yet?

it looks arround the map for locked objects every 5 minutes and saves them to inidb

@Rev i know you did that but i cant jus go on and import the entire mission :package: i think the teamname behind the suits should suffice :)

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

i think the teamname behind the suits should suffice :)

Well, s3kShUn61 kinda proved you it isn't sufficient, didn't he?

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Okay I didnt realize it was a 5 min sweep to build the saved base parts file. I was just locking 2 or 3 then immediatly restarting XD so it works great now!

contactgus commented 11 years ago

Working fine, thanks. Base-saving servers are showing up as yellow with a question mark in the server browser which is due to the inidb addon. I reckon that might be affecting the popularity as there doesn't seem to be many takers today. The lack of vehicles is not going down too well but we'll stick with it and see if the improved vehicle clean-up makes up for it

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Yeah the yellow icon kinda sucks, BIS should implement something that allows addons to tell the game they are server-only, so that it shows a normal icon and doesn't warn users they don't have it installed on joining.

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

@contactgus I increased the number of vehicles in my server, to do this just navigate to x.stratis\server\functions\vehicleSpawning and in line 13, which is

for "_i1" from 0 to 134 step 2 do

remove the "step 2" so it reads

for "_i1" from 0 to 134 do
contactgus commented 11 years ago

nice one, thanks.

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Also, the gunstore glitches are still there. The ones I'm talking about are rapid spamming purchases when the inventory is filled with 6 or so lowcost items. This also starts to give the players a ton of money since it returns money when the inventory is full however they are not being charged for the items.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

wait.. so they arent getting the 'dont spam the purchase button' message? because it wont do anything with the money before they gone past that :/

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Nope... I just tried it and got 45 Stanag mags and it didnt cost me anything

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Jo, I think you made your active purchase variable private instead of global, therefore the value doesn't get passed around between purchase script instances.

Krunch commented 11 years ago

@AgentRev You can have server-side mods by adding them to the main addons folder. That is what I do to have CBA server-side only. That is how I implemented my message rotation to work for any mission without being scripted inside each mission... and GREEN icon!

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

@JoSchaap So move the entire @inidb mod folder to addons then set -mod=Addons\@inidb ?

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

@s3kShUn61 i have always run mods as they should, by using the -mod parameter, i cant surely answer if it would cause any issues or not

Krunch commented 11 years ago

@s3kShUn61 move the content of @inidb/addons into the main addons folder, no need to use -mod parameter. It works well with CBA, did not try with iniDB.

s3kShUn61 commented 11 years ago

Well i've been trying a few things using your recommendation @Krunch however iniDB nolonger seems to save locked base parts. The anyparts file has not been updated in 20 mins and the parts are not there after a restart 20 mins after locking them.

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

We noticed a large hit in performance on our server in this last update only getting about 4 hours of out it at 40 people. Where as before we were running 10 hours with out the server given players red chain.

JoSchaap commented 11 years ago

thats wierd because in all previous versions the cleanup did not function at all. if you scan the logs at the period of the red-chains, are you seing the maintenance routing cleaning up bodies and clutterred items? or are they stuck on 0 ?

the only recent change was converting the cleanup from FSM to SQF, but that should not make a difference at all.

SCETheFuzz commented 11 years ago

They are stuck on 0 and its not cleaning up the items like jerry cans, money or repair kits even with the area on the clean up pushed out to 100. I ended up dropping down the # of total cars in the server to improve the performance I cut it so the starting amount of cars were 80 ish and after 6 hours we are down to 30 however we are now keeping 30fps for all 40 players for almost 7-8 hours of continuous play. (before----> After about 6 hours we went from the starting 150 to 180 cars with more then 60 of them having damage of 1 and not being removed over time.

AgentRev commented 11 years ago

Maybe try to remove the local _x at line 24:

if (time - (_x getVariable ["processedDeath", time]) > _deathTime) then

The bodies probably aren't local to the server, it could be why it doesn't work.