JoSchaap / GoT_Wasteland_V2.Stratis

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Um we cannot access anything in vehicles and some vehicles spawn flying? #94

Closed s3kShUn61 closed 10 years ago

s3kShUn61 commented 10 years ago


s3kShUn61 commented 10 years ago

Okay now we can. the server took like 5 mins then super lag and now items are duplicating

s3kShUn61 commented 10 years ago

Jo whats going on? Now the mission wont even start... getting the weirdest error messages:

s3kShUn61 commented 10 years ago

Looks like an issue in the PBO? Looking into it now but looking at the two different pbos; the one located in the zipped folder is NEWER than the one located in the root/mpmission folder. And that one is missing server/init.sqf I believe.

JoSchaap commented 10 years ago

github seems to be messing up all the files bigtime.. next time ill just resort to a normal ZIPfile download :/

LOL if i compare #master to #temp_v23_test it pretends master is still at v2.21 :/ github is having some storage/caching issues...

nearly all old bugs are back :/

ill have a peek at everything in between jobs