JoanFerrerSerrat / Reports

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Goals of the reports Coronavirus in the world and Coronavirus in Spain

The reports I saw before doing those reports with Jupyter where static, long and cumbersome. The goals of those reports are:

Coronavirus in the world

This report uses three datasets that are online:

First it retrieves a table and a plot. It uses summarized dataset by country where are added the measures/population with a scale of 100.000. Those are the parameters:

Afterwards it retrieves a plot. It uses a dataset with a granularity of country and date. From the beginning it is filtered by the countries selected in the first dataset. Those are the parameters:

Sum means the sum in all the days. Last means the data of the last day. The countries selected in this dataset will be also pre-filtered in the next graphic.

The report can be seen in Binder.

Coronavirus in Spain

This report returns the evolution in Spain of the measures

related to coronavirus. Each measure represent the number of individuals in each situation per 100000 people. Granularity is day and data is also shown by CA (different autonomous communities of Spain). Each measure is ordered in a descending order

The autonomies in the autonomic graphic are showed by descending order in the measure. The report can be seen in Binder.