Joedahms / Software-Engineering-Project

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Software-Engineering-Project (CSCI45000 + ECE46100)

Project team members

Joe Dahms
Geromy Cunningham
Logan Pelkey
Djamel Almabouada
Juan Cortes-Vicens
Jonah Salyers

To run the app properly, add your GitHub token to the $GITHUB_TOKEN environmental variable
In a CLI this can be done with $ export GITHUB_TOKEN=\<Your Github Token>


./run install

This installs all NPM packages necessary to run the program on your system
This must be done before running test or URL_FILE!!

./run test

Runs the test suite Will calculate the line coverage and the amount of tests ran and passed.

./run URL_FILE

This command runs the main functionality of the program. It will calculate metrics for each URL
in the passed URL_FILE.