JoeyTawadrous / Instagram-Auto-Pilot

Automate common Instagram activities such as following, unfollowing, commenting and reposting images from instagram accounts.
56 stars 26 forks source link
instagram instagram-api instagram-bot instagram-client instagram-clone instagram-downloader instagram-feed instagram-photos instagram-scraper instagram-sdk


Automate common Instagram activities such as following, unfollowing, commenting and reposting images from instagram accounts.



This script makes use of the Instagram API to effortlessly automate your account.

How to Use (Set & Forget)

  1. Clone this repo & host it on your server.
  2. Open up the demo folder index.php (i.e. demo/index.php)
  3. Replace the ACCOUNT_NAME and ACCOUNT_PASSWORD fields.
  4. Enter you chosen accounts, tags and comment.
  5. Set up a CRON job to execute the script (run index.php) as often as you wish.
  6. Check the logs for detailed info on what your script is doing when executed.


In the near future I plan to add many more types of Instagram functions.

Feel free to Fork ;)