JohannesValoy / WebShop-Group-12

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Screenshot of homepage


This project was used in the evaluation of IDATA2301 and IDATA2305, in the period of 2023 Winter-Spring.

The task was to create a simple web-shop with a given theme (ours was "CyberPunk Gaming Gear"), with the following basic requirements:

Getting started

To continue our project, you would have the following pre-requisite for development:

And for deployment, we recommend the use of:


When default profile (dev) is used, the application will boot up with some development test products and change will only happen in the local memory. This is to ensure that the application works without the need of production database or the requirement of having a database running.

The website works through templates where we inject the data required from the database. This will make it so that every product page has the same configuration, just with different values.


Our deployment

The deployment relies on the use of docker secret. This requires docker to be setup with swarm to be able to use the features of external secrets. It also allows for multiple of the same "service" to be running for better scalability. With the server and docker swarm running, you only need to change the following files:

In the prod-properties you want the following lines:

#If you want ssl
#The certificate keys if ssl is enabled

To match your certificate path or turn off ssl.

In the Compose File:

      - type: bind
        source: /etc/letsEncrypt #Change this line to mount the right path for the certificate
        target: /certs #You could also change the target, just be careful to reflect this in the properties file above

The last thing you need to do is set up one secret in the swarm. This secret needs to be called db-password and should contain the database password. If you want to change the name, you can edit the following in the compose file:

    external: true
    name: db-password #Change this to be your new secret name for the database password

This makes it so the database container and website have the exact same password without allowing for others to know it.

Now the last thing you need to do is either set up a jenkins pipeline or run the following command within the project folder:

docker compose build
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yaml your-webapp-name

Some important information

The first user created called "admin" will be given the admin role. This is to ensure that there is always an admin user. If you want to change this, you can do so in the access user service.

The current running setup for the server creates the development products. This was because of the database removing the content of the previous push, without us knowing how we would counter this (Probably through the use of docker volumes). If you want to change this, you can easily do it through the Dev Initializer and the Min Initializer by tagging them with a profile, so they don't run in the production. As an example with the Min Initializer, you could do the following:

public class MinInitializer implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> { 

We also needed to use ipv6 in our solution, which is not well-supported in docker swarm (Source). This is why we have the current lines:

      - target: 8443
        published: 443
        mode: host #Because of poor support with ipv6 on docker swarm, we need to enable it to take over the host ports.

This removes the flexibility to have multiple website services running on the same host. There exists other solution to this like ipv6Nat but this was a small project, so we did not require this. If you are using ipv4, you can easily remove the mode line within the Compose File.