John-Smith-Modded / JSTR-Modded-1.7.x

John Smith: Technician's Remix for MC 1.7.x
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Bringing the original JS feel back #129

Open lesdmark opened 8 years ago

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Guy's what is it that we could do to bring the pack back to it's original feel better. If we need to redo our own base to work off of and call it JS Reloaded or Revival or whatnot then I think that is what needs to be done. I hate the way minecraft even looks without the pack anymore but there are definitely some textures in the pack that don't fit. I want to get some excitement generated around the pack again. Maybe get some streamers or youtubers using it again.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Some suggestions:

Keep in mind I am brainstorming and some of these may not be practical.

Based on my experience with the CTM error in the base pack, I agree that we either need much better communication with the base pack maintainer or we need to fork a version of the base pack and make it our own.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

The problem with the base pack at this point as has been brought up is that it really isn't JS anymore. It's Jim Stone's take on the original JS pack. I have every single version of the pack on my PC in a folder and going back and looking some of it is the same but there are some things that just don't fit. Now bear in mind I understand things evolve, but It should really be called Jim Stone at this point as he has changed it so much. I think going back to the last version John Smith created and using that as a jumping off point would be best and I do think we should create our own base to use. Not saying we have to use those exact textures but yeah. I do like the customizer idea and a web app that would help with ore textures would be fantastic. I unfortunately don't know how to do web pages.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I don't really think Legacy has changed that much from the original stuff. It's pretty much just adding textures for the new stuff, some look good, some look less good. We can replace that stuff if we want. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Could you give some specifics about the stuff you're unhappy about? I do understand the impulse to want to get people excited about the pack again and do a big reboot thing, though.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

The problem is, we still don't have a customiser script available that meets our needs. For example, changing the stone texture means changing all of the ores along with it. Back when I ran the site, we did have a customiser which was functional, but it was hard to manage and didn't have all the features that we would have liked, and when the site went down, that was that.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@Glowstrontium If you still have the script, I may be able to rework it and find hosting.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

I was typing a response and just noticed the bar on the right was getting quite tiny so I decided to start over. This may sound like a small thing but the flowers in the base pack bug me a bit now. Some of them are alright, but I liked the simplicity of the original flowers and would like to go in that direction with them. That's just one example of something though. I remember at one point Morvelira was using our pack and I liked watching someone play in a world that looked like the one I liked to play in. I want people to feel as excited as I do about this pack. I also get frustrated with my own limitations sometimes as well. I wish I had the money to hire a team of people to work on everything because I would if I could. :)

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

I also have felt a bit on my own here until recently. I can totally understand people drifting away from the game and such. I guess I am weird. Even when I don't feel like playing it makes me happy to work on this pack.

goldbattle commented 8 years ago

I don't have any free time due to my studies, but let me know if you need any help with things on my end. As for the old customizer, it run off one one I coded a while back.

If you wanted to set that up, and just to see what it looked like, here is the old data folder. [link] As for the admin password for that side here is where the code is for that. [link] It was pretty fancy customizer for the time, and served soartex well. (also note that that is really old, and I am not sure if I left it in a working state lol)

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@goldbattle Thanks for this. I'll take a look.

I am very familiar with php, but the limiting factor for me is time.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

We do have another version of the customizer which is more advanced than the first version along with being universal but I'm the same with Gold that have little time to work on things. It's PHP based and If any of you guys want to help out to get it finished I would have happy to add you the repo and chat on something to get you up to speed on how it works etc...

If anything I would prefer to see that version being used rather than the older one due to what is supported now which would benefit JSTR.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

@artdude543 Please add me. I'd like to take a crack at it.

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Okay, will need to PM you something before hand tho. Can't remember if I added you on anything. I think I have you on Curse Voice.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Can't get to CV right now. If you are a twitterer, I'm ScottKillenMC.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Just checked...We follow each other on Twitter, so maybe DM me there?

artdude543 commented 8 years ago

Done ;)

Oddface commented 8 years ago

While we're discussing radical ideas, does the name Technician's Remix seem a little dated to you guys? Don't get me wrong, I do like the name, but I think it might give people the wrong idea. It 's evocative of the old Technic/Tekkit days when tech was THE thing, but modded Minecraft is so much more expansive now. Tech is just one of many aspects people enjoy. Not that I have an alternative or anything, it's just a thought.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Well that's exactly where the mod support started ( Changing the name of and Legacy has been considered in the past due to the potential confusion, but nothing came of it. Maybe going forward, it might be better to just scrap the JSTR alternatives and base the mod support on the Legacy pack. A customiser or an "addon" pack would still be needed for those who prefer the smooth stone texture.etc, and because I haven't been involved around here for a long time, I don't know what the userbase's opinions would be on that.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

Well, we did launch the Legacy overwrite patch, which I've pretty much maintained myself. It has a pretty small number of downloads, but that is to be expected considering it's not on the FTB launcher, and a lot of people probably don't know it exists. Plus downloading another pack is an extra step a lot of people wont bother with. I'm guessing most of the users are very used to the JSTR look at this point. I prefer the Legacy style personally, while other texturers have seem to have strong attachment to the JSTR look.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

I personally prefer the smother stone look. It looks too busy to me to use the other one. On the subject of name perhaps a change would be good as I agree the pack is about more than just tech at this point. I will have to ponder that one as it should grab attention but not be too trendy as it would age badly then

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Maybe something like "John Smith Plus", or "John Smith: Expanded"?

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

JS Modmix perhaps? as a logo using the John Smith font with John Smith for modded in a smallish font underneath. That's just what I came up with off the top of my head. The less wordy the main title is the better and it rolls off the tongue pretty well.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

So for more of an ancient or Medieval sound how about: John Smith Compendium or John Smith Synoptic.

Also John Smith: Exhaustive Remix :grinning:

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

Giving is some more thought:

What about "Compendium: A JohnSmith Remix"? It would be called Compendium, but the logo and official title would work in its JohnSmith roots.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

or, perhaps: Compendium: JohnSmith Evolved

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I like the Compendium idea. Not sure about distancing the John Smith brand, so to speak. We're still sticking pretty close to the JS style, and not really branching out like for example Conquest did. I'm leaning toward John Smith Compendium, with a tagline like "a texture pack for modded Minecraft" to clarify.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

On a side note, I've noticed more and more mods are being released as 1.8, so perhaps it's time to make the JSTR-1.8.x repository?

I also like the title with Compendium, personally I feel "Compendium: A JohnSmith Remix" flows off the tongue the smoothest.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

I don' think 1.8 Is ever going to be a big thing. I think all the major mods are waiting for 1.9, but I suppose we can. Since it won't have to support all the big ones. Also I like Compendium: A JohnSmith Remix as well. I want a little distance as the body of work here is only based on the base pack. John Smith never did any of the mod textures except the ones we recycled.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Well I know for a fact Thaumcraft 5 is 1.8.x and I believe I saw Bibliocraft released a version as well.

Back to the topic of renaming, I think we should set up our own site separate from JS Legacy, especially if we're renaming the pack, even if it's nothing more than a project page on curse, or utilize the wiki function here on Github. Github also has release functionality as well.

Also in regards to hosting a separate site, I do have a web resellers account with a hosting company and can get us their wholesale rates. That includes both domains and hosting.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

I think "A JohnSmith Remix" might not be the right subtitle. It's catchy, but doesn't really get across that it's a mod thing. Could be confused for just another customized John Smith variant for vanilla.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

A completely functional subtitle would be my suggestion. "John Smith for modded Minecraft" for example. People would only refer to it as Compendium anyway, but a subtitle like that would give people an immediate understanding of what it is when they see it.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

I like your tagline, @Oddface

@lesdmark As a modder, I would agree that 1.8 won't be a big far as I (and many other modders are concerned) there is no reason to upgrade beyond 1.7.10.

I have several web sites that use Github Pages as the backend. Any static pages can be hosted on github (and a lot can be done on the client side through Java Script) and no one will know the difference. The only cost is the domain name.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago now in my head I am hearing Vaygrim say in a deep voice: "COMPENDIUM: JohnSmith for modded Minecraft" over and over again... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Lol. Now I can hear it in Vaygrim's voice as well. I think COMPENDIUM: JohnSmith for modded Minecraft is pretty good.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago


Vaygrim commented 8 years ago

I felt a disturbance in the force and came over as quick as I could!

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago


lesdmark commented 8 years ago


Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Sound good to me - is the overall idea to implement this for 1.8.x and up, or do we want to "rebrand" the existing 1.7.x version? It could be confusing for JSTR to suddenly change to "JSC" or whatever the abbreviation will be.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

Seems like we're talking about more of a relaunch than a simple name change at this point. :sweat_smile: I don't see a big migration from 1.7 to 1.8 happening any time soon, or maybe ever. They're at least going to co-exist for a good while. That would mean actively maintaining two packs with different names, which would be confusing as well.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Rebrand. As long as it still the links still work the same people will understand it to be a rebranding. also a coming soon might not hurt. Maybe also a JSTR is now... COMPENDIUM!!!

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

I agree with a rebrand that supports 1.7.10. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, there seems to be a reluctance among many, if not most, modders, including myself, to move beyond 1.7.10.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

It seems to me that FTB and others will most likely skip 1.8 like 1.3 was and move on straight to 1.9, but who knows.

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Okay so this is what it could look like: jsc This is a rather bad attempt at a logo, I just wanted to see what it would look like.

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Oh I like where that's going. :smile:

Glowstrontium commented 8 years ago

Here's one using the existing panel: jsc_2

lesdmark commented 8 years ago

Perhaps a bit more COMPENDIUM and a bit less John Smith. But it's going on the right direction

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

These are looking good, @Glowstrontium

lol @lesdmark I was about to make the same suggestion.

Oddface commented 8 years ago

Some thoughts on the logo. I suggest having the tagline be just one line. Also, the colon doesn't have to be in the logo, even if it is in the title. I like having 'John Smith' in that familiar visual style, gives a feel of being a part of the JS 'family'. Though the panel looks good, I think I'd rather see some new graphics for the logo, even if they aren't as fancy-looking as that one. Something that hints at the mod stuff a bit, maybe something slightly industrial-looking.

ScottKillen commented 8 years ago

What font is used for John Smith in the title?

On Fri, Nov 6, 2015, 6:55 PM Oddface wrote:

Some thoughts on the logo. I suggest having the tagline be just one line. Also, the colon doesn't have to be in the logo, even if it is in the title. I like having 'John Smith' in that familiar visual style, gives a feel of being a part of the JS 'family'. Though the panel looks good, I think I'd rather see some new graphics for the logo, even if they aren't as fancy-looking as that one. Something that hints at the mod stuff a bit, maybe something slightly industrial-looking.

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Oddface commented 8 years ago

Pretty sure it's Beryllium, the same font that's in the pack.