John123Yu / LeafletMapDataGov

A Leaflet Map for county, city, state, international resources
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A Leaflet Map for county, city, state, international resources

1) Convert csv files to geoJson files. USE ----->

2) If the geoJson files lack coordinates, there are resources online for finding point coordinates, polygons, and multipolygons. -

This is good for finding coordinates for cities

#This is good for finding polygon and multipolygon coordinates for US states

3) I personally copied and pasted the coordinates to each json feature, perhaps/probably there is a better way. -

This allows you to check/debug geojson files for errors

#Join a stream of GeoJSON against a dataset.
#A cli for
#Converts GeoJson to CSV

4) You can use this url: to check how your geoJson would look on a map very quickly.

5) After your geoJson is ready, you can use leafletjs to create an interactive map. -

Highly Recommend checking out their tutorials and Documentation, it is easy to follow and pick up

1)You will need to get map tiles for your map.
    -Check out Mapbox, OpenStreetMaps, Stamen for some map tiles. Mapbox charges after a certain limit.
2) #Use this to set up a search feature. Other pluggins available.
3) Check out the HTMl and JS in Map.html. It is commented and goes over the features of the map.