JohnCoates / Aerial

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac
MIT License
20.77k stars 1.05k forks source link

Can't exit screensaver without using force quit. #828

Closed BorBorBor closed 3 years ago

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

General troubleshooting tips

Before logging an issue please check that:

If none of this fixes your issue, tell us about the problem you are experiencing or the feature you'd like to request.

Required information

In order to help us sort your issue, we ask that you provide the following information:

If appropriate, please enable Debug mode and Log to disk in Advanced tab and replicate your bug, then attach the AerialLog.txt file (You can access this file through the Advanced tab).

Description of issue / Feature request

Seemingly at random the screensaver gets 'stuck' and I cannot close it without resorting to force quit (cmd-opt-shift-esc). The screensaver continues to play and when I move the mouse I actually see the mouse move on top of the video. Cmd-tab or similar do not work either.

The issue appears randomly every few days, otherwise it exits normally. I am not sure why it happens those times and have not managed to reproduce it, which is why the log is missing; it just happened again but might as well take a while before I see it again.

It seems similar to the (closed) issue #51, but I do not have the options set like in that ticket.

glouel commented 5 years ago

Hi @BorBorBor

Can you clarify which version of Aerial you use ? You may want to try the latest beta if you haven't.

Can you tell me also if you have right arrow to skip enabled or not ? And if you tried enabling/disabling it ?

In general, it's the system that kills Aerial when you press a key, not the other way around. It looks like some things changed in 10.14.4 with some specific settings in mission control. You can have a look at this thread and particularly this post :

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

Hey @glouel, this is on version 1.5.0. I had the right arrow on, but I have changed it now.

Settings are the same in the comment you link. The issue is not exactly the same one, since the poster of that thread can quit with the mouse and I cannot.

Something to maybe remark is that I have password / touch ID turned on for disabling the screen saver.

glouel commented 5 years ago

@BorBorBor Indeed, I didn't catch that mouse didn't help, sorry. So probably not the "right key" thing, we don't intercept mouse presses.

May I suggest you disable "Auto install updates while the screen saver runs" in Advanced (it's enabled by default). Some people seem to see some misbehaving because of that option (which is weird knowing 1.5.0 is the latest available in non beta form), perhaps that could be it too ? I'm refering to that long thread

As best I can tell, password to go out of screensaver may not interact well with what I do with Sparkle. So let me know if that one helps.

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

Hi @glouel, thanks again for replying. I've disabled that 'auto install' option and see whether it disappears. It is hard to know if it fully worked since the issue does not happen all the time, but I'll let you know if it seems gone.

Password for exiting has been on for me since I have installed Aerial more than 2 years ago, and I would rather not disable it as I need to lock my computer for security reasons. So I'll try that later if it is really necessary.

glouel commented 5 years ago

Ok the fact you've been using for 2+ years make it more likely it's the Sparkle auto update thing misbehaving (introduced in 1.4.8). Just keep me posted in a bit if you think it fixes the issue (or if it does not) and we'll see what we can do next. Thanks

glouel commented 5 years ago

@BorBorBor by any chance, are you using Little Snitch or another firewall ? The (slightly) related issue regarding Sparkle was linked to Little Snitch not having the correct rule set for the background update.

My guess is that Little Snitch (or your firewall) may try to pop a window to ask if you want to allow the connection and that grabs the focus from system, which in turn makes it impossible for system to pass the keystroke to us.

Disabling "Auto install updates while the screen saver runs" in Advanced, as you did, should have done the trick for you already (as long as your videos were cached, if they weren't, probably had the same issue on trying to download a new video).

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

Hey @glouel, I was offline for a few weeks (as one does in the summer ;-)).

No, I do not use a firewall other than the default macOS one. I do use the app AntiRSI which gives me a popup to take a work break every once in a while, so that might be it, but I have also been using that app consistently for years so I would also not imagine so.

Because I did not use my computer a lot the past time I can't say if the issue is remedied by turning off the updates or not.

glouel commented 5 years ago

@BorBorBor no worries, please let me know in a few days if disabling updates fixed it or not.

Regarding AntiRSI, one question, do you happen sometimes to see a popup when going out of the screensaver from it ?

There has been some subtle changes regarding screensavers in 10.14.4, my guess is they started to clamp some things in preparation of the big clamp that is Catalina. It's quite possible that some new interaction came out of it when a screensaver tries to grab the keyboard (that's no longer allowed in Catalina right now, on top of everything else with the new sandbox we have to live in).

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

@glouel I just got an AntiRSI popup behind the screensaver, and this did not lead to the problem. As of now I haven't seen (or managed to reproduce) the issue with updates disabled.

glouel commented 5 years ago

@BorBorBor this is intriguing. Still waiting on some more feedback but what I get so far from different people is:

So maybe there's a collision of focus loss with updates and a popup. In your case, I'd suggest you keep updates disabled, if that's ok, I may ask you to test something else in the future. I'm still waiting for what will happen on Catalina to get a better idea of where things are going. It's possible that the interception of key we do (right arrow to skip) plays an indirect role into this, and I may have to remove that code entirely which may ends up fixing this.

Bit of a headscratcher, thanks for the feedback and keep an eye on next beta or the one after that where I'll try something around this.

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

@glouel Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, it is mysterious. I'll let you know if I discover something new, please give me a sign if you need me to test anything.

amiantos commented 5 years ago

I think I have this issue with my own Swift screensaver (Life Saver) and it annoys the heck out of me. My screensaver has no control options. The way it presents for me is that I lose all ability to get the password prompt to come up.

I come back to my PC, and no keyboard presses or mouse clicks will get the password prompt to come up. I don't believe I can see the mouse either. What brings the password up on my MacBooks is if I hit the power button... this will bring the password prompt up immediately. Also, if my MacBook is in clam-shell mode with a bluetooth keyboard attached (no access to power button), I have to open my MacBook screen for a second, then the screensaver seems to restart itself and the password prompt will come up.

I'm probably not going to be much help, I have no idea why it happens, but it happens so frequently and regularly to me that I imagine it must be really annoying for other people, but no one has mentioned it, even close friends who I know use the screensaver. I've thought it was just me... but it's so annoying, and it happens on both of my computers. (It didn't used to happen when I was using ElectricSheep.)

glouel commented 5 years ago

I think I have this issue with my own Swift screensaver (Life Saver) and it annoys the heck out of me. My screensaver has no control options. The way it presents for me is that I lose all ability to get the password prompt to come up.

I come back to my PC, and no keyboard presses or mouse clicks will get the password prompt to come up. I don't believe I can see the mouse either. What brings the password up on my MacBooks is if I hit the power button... this will bring the password prompt up immediately. Also, if my MacBook is in clam-shell mode with a bluetooth keyboard attached (no access to power button), I have to open my MacBook screen for a second, then the screensaver seems to restart itself and the password prompt will come up.

I'm probably not going to be much help, I have no idea why it happens, but it happens so frequently and regularly to me that I imagine it must be really annoying for other people, but no one has mentioned it, even close friends who I know use the screensaver. I've thought it was just me... but it's so annoying, and it happens on both of my computers. (It didn't used to happen when I was using ElectricSheep.)

Hey @amiantos

Thanks for chiming in ! Quick question, do you intercept keypresses with your screensaver ? It seems to me that those reports I do get started around the time I added the ability to press the arrow key to skip.

The exact conditions when the bug happen are a bit more complex, usually there's some focus conflict with a background app (like Little Snitch or AntiRSI here), and it seems the latest point updates of 10.14 made things worse by sometimes stealing focus themselves.

With Catalina, you can no longer intercept keypresses, so I may have to take down that bit of code in a further update anyway. But you might want to check that on your end and see if it helps (you need to comment out the code as you can't conditionally intercept keypresses, sadly) ?

amiantos commented 5 years ago

As far as I know, Life Saver does not intercept keypresses, there's no interactivity in the screensaver at all. I also don't believe I have any third party apps that would steal focus... very peculiar! How does it feel to be the most knowledgable person about screensaver development?? Hehe :)

BorBorBor commented 5 years ago

Hey people,

The exact conditions when the bug happen are a bit more complex, usually there's some focus conflict with a background app (like Little Snitch or AntiRSI here), and it seems the latest point updates of 10.14 made things worse by sometimes stealing focus themselves.

I must say that after disabling the updater I haven't had the problem anymore, while I have been using the screensaver (+ AntiRSI) consistently. So I think the issue (at least the issue I was experiencing) was not caused by the focus conflict.

glouel commented 5 years ago

Hey people,

The exact conditions when the bug happen are a bit more complex, usually there's some focus conflict with a background app (like Little Snitch or AntiRSI here), and it seems the latest point updates of 10.14 made things worse by sometimes stealing focus themselves.

I must say that after disabling the updater I haven't had the problem anymore, while I have been using the screensaver (+ AntiRSI) consistently. So I think the issue (at least the issue I was experiencing) was not caused by the focus conflict.


Interesting, glad to hear that disabling updates worked for you. My understanding in your case is that Sparkle which I use for auto updates may make Aerial lose focus on some systems but not all (when another app that may steal focus is involved). Glad to hear that fixed, hopefully I can find a better way to handle auto updates then.

As far as I know, Life Saver does not intercept keypresses, there's no interactivity in the screensaver at all. I also don't believe I have any third party apps that would steal focus... very peculiar!

I guess you don't use Sparkle either ? I'd suggest you look at this post here : , there's a link to a gist with a script that tells you who has focus. Might be interesting for you to see what is happening when your screensaver loses focus.

How does it feel to be the most knowledgable person about screensaver development?? Hehe :)

Haha, I guess that's not a very marketable skill ;) The whole process should probably be less painful that it is now though, and I don't have high hopes for Catalina...

glouel commented 5 years ago

@amiantos by the way on the same thread, check this comment, there's a bug in Mojave with some settings of mission control that I had completely forgotten about :

That may be the difference in your setup compared to your friends ? Maybe you should try to see if Aerial exhibits the same bug in your setup too to double check.

LogicWavelength commented 4 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue. Moving the mouse, the cursor becomes visible, but I cannot get the password entry box to come up to unlock my iMac. Prior to posting the below debug log, I did disable the auto updates, so I will see if that fixes it. I just wanted to contribute to fixing this bug.

> 9:19:46 AM : avInit1 (0.0, 0.0, 296.0, 184.0)
> 9:19:46 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> AerialView setup init (V1.6.1)
> 9:19:46 AM : Time Management initialized
> 9:19:46 AM : Display Detection initialized
> 9:19:46 AM : ***Display Detection***
> 9:19:46 AM : 1 display(s) detected
> 9:19:46 AM : 1cm = 42.91338647126605 points
> 9:19:46 AM : npass: dict [__C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSDeviceResolution): NSSize: {72, 72}, __C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSDeviceBitsPerSample): 8, __C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSDeviceIsScreen): YES, __C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSScreenNumber): 69992768, __C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSDeviceSize): NSSize: {2560, 1440}, __C.NSDeviceDescriptionKey(_rawValue: NSDeviceColorSpaceName): NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace]
> 9:19:46 AM :        bottomLeftFrame (0.0, 0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0)
> 9:19:46 AM : src orig : (0.0, 0.0)
> 9:19:46 AM : left 0.0 below 0.0
> 9:19:46 AM : [id=69992768, width=2560, height=1440, bottomLeftFrame=(0.0, 0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0), topRightCorner=(2560.0, 1440.0), isMain=true, backingScaleFactor=1.0]
> 9:19:46 AM : (0.0, 0.0, 2560.0, 1440.0)
> 9:19:46 AM : ***Display Detection Done***
> 9:19:46 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> isPreview : true
> 9:19:46 AM : Using : nil
> 9:19:46 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> no local player
> 9:19:46 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> setupPlayerLayer
> 9:19:46 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> setting up player layer with bounds/frame: (0.0, 0.0, 296.0, 184.0) / (0.0, 0.0, 296.0, 184.0)
> 9:19:46 AM : Using dot workaround for video driver corruption
> 9:19:46 AM : Manifest init
> 9:19:46 AM : app support exists
> 9:19:46 AM : No customvideos.json at : file:///Users/ben/Library/Containers/
> 9:19:46 AM : isManifestCached 10 true
> 9:19:46 AM : isManifestCached 11 true
> 9:19:46 AM : isManifestCached 12 true
> 9:19:46 AM : isManifestCached 13 true
> 9:19:46 AM : 2019-10-17
> 9:19:46 AM : Interval : Optional(-119986.54723405838)
> 9:19:46 AM : No need to check for new videos
> 9:19:46 AM : Manifests files were not loaded in class
> 9:19:46 AM : Files were not already loaded in memory
> 9:19:46 AM : Manifests are cached on disk, loading
> 9:19:46 AM : Poi Strings Provider initialized
> 9:19:46 AM : Defaulting to bundle
> 9:19:46 AM : path : /Library/Screen Savers/Aerial.saver/Contents/Resources/en.json
> 9:19:46 AM : Community JSON : 73 entries
> 9:19:46 AM : No local or user cache exists, using ~/Library/Application Support/Aerial
> 9:19:46 AM : cache to be used : Optional("/Users/ben/Library/Containers/ Support/Aerial")
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:46 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:47 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Could not determine duration, video is not cached in any format
> 9:19:48 AM : Total videos processed : 88 callbacks : 0
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> Setting player for all player layers in []
> 9:19:48 AM : initvideocache
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> streaming video (not fully available offline) :
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> observing current item <Aerial.AerialPlayerItem: 0x60000052e1e0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x60000052e100, URL = streaming://>>
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> observeValue Optional("readyForDisplay")
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> backing change 1.0 isDisabled: false
> 9:19:48 AM : Processsing contentInformationRequest
> 9:19:48 AM : expected content length: 400154051
> 9:19:48 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> startAnimation
> 9:19:48 AM : Processsing contentInformationRequest
> 9:19:48 AM : expected content length: 400154051
> 9:19:49 AM : <AerialView: 0x7fc666401950> stopAnimation
> 9:19:49 AM : pwc init2
> 9:19:49 AM : Callback after manifest loading
> 9:19:49 AM : Looking for outdated files
> 9:19:49 AM : No old files found
> 9:19:50 AM : Aerial control panel V1.6.1
> 9:19:50 AM : Cache size : 1.79 GB
> 9:20:03 AM : cvcinit2
> 9:20:03 AM : cvcawake
> 9:20:03 AM : wdl
> 9:20:04 AM : connectionDidFinishLoading
> 9:20:06 AM : UI useHDR true
> 9:20:15 AM : UI popupVideoFormat: 1
> 9:20:39 AM : UI allowScreenSaverModeUpdatesChange: false
BorBorBor commented 4 years ago

Boring update, I am still bugless after living without the updater. Thank you for the reminder to manually run updates now ;)

glouel commented 4 years ago

I am experiencing the same issue. > * macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A602)

  • Aerial 1.6.1

@LogicWavelength let me know, it should fix. I've forced disabled auto updates in 1.6.2 (I see you're still in 1.6.1) for Catalina users, and won't reenable it until there's a fix.

@BorBorBor that's always good to hear, thanks đź‘Ť

LogicWavelength commented 4 years ago

I had just updated to 1.6.2 after posting! Guess I should have tried some of this first đź‘Ť

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

This has happened to me many times, twice in the last two days. I'm running the latest version (1.6.4) and have auto-updates disabled. Running 10.15.1, on a MacBook Pro with an external screen. Also have an Apple Watch used to unlock the screensaver when I return to it (not sure if that matters, but wanted to mention how I typically use it). When it occurs, there doesn't appear to be anything that I can do to quit Aerial from running. I can do a three finger expose swipe and see all the open windows, but when I click one or swipe again, the videos continue playing over the whole screen. The only option I've resorted to is to ssh from my phone to issue a restart command to reboot the computer so I don't have to hard shut it down. Really hope this gets fixed as I love this screen saver, but having to reboot unexpectedly is a pain.

glouel commented 4 years ago

This has happened to me many times, twice in the last two days. I'm running the latest version (1.6.4) and have auto-updates disabled. Running 10.15.1, on a MacBook Pro with an external screen. Also have an Apple Watch used to unlock the screensaver when I return to it (not sure if that matters, but wanted to mention how I typically use it). When it occurs, there doesn't appear to be anything that I can do to quit Aerial from running. I can do a three finger expose swipe and see all the open windows, but when I click one or swipe again, the videos continue playing over the whole screen. The only option I've resorted to is to ssh from my phone to issue a restart command to reboot the computer so I don't have to hard shut it down. Really hope this gets fixed as I love this screen saver, but having to reboot unexpectedly is a pain.

Hi @lopezzi

As far as I know, all the reported instances of this bug were fixed when I disabled auto updates for Catalina. So this is certainly puzzling and your occurence is the first I heard so far since. In any case, sorry about that.

From what I can gather from your message, this is not a 100% occurence, it may be even infrequent, am I getting this correctly ?

In broad terms, the issue surrounding auto updates is that the screensaver loses focus because another app steals the focus from it (in particular, Little Snitch and auto-updates, but with Catalina auto updates alone were enough). So there's a good chance that whatever is happening on your system is of the same vein.

If you could maybe think about other apps that are resident on your system (things like firewall, antivirus or stuff of that kind) that are running all the time and popping up windows, there's a good chance that it's something of the kind.

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

From what I can gather from your message, this is not a 100% occurence, it may be even infrequent, am I getting this correctly ?

That is correct, it is not 100% of the time. Most of the time, it works perfectly, but there are those few times that when it does occur, it's disheartening as I only know to reboot to get out of it. When the Aerial screensaver kicks in, is there a certain process that starts? I'm wondering because since I can ssh back to my machine, maybe I can just kill the process and get back to my machine without having to reboot. Any ideas?

I do have lots of other things running, but generally nothing that pops up windows during the day that I can think of. Some of the apps that are running in the background are dropbox, Code42, OneDrive, Google Drive, NoMAD, 1password. None of those ever really pop anything up, but maybe they are interfering?

glouel commented 4 years ago

From what I can gather from your message, this is not a 100% occurence, it may be even infrequent, am I getting this correctly ?

That is correct, it is not 100% of the time. Most of the time, it works perfectly, but there are those few times that when it does occur, it's disheartening as I only know to reboot to get out of it. When the Aerial screensaver kicks in, is there a certain process that starts? I'm wondering because since I can ssh back to my machine, maybe I can just kill the process and get back to my machine without having to reboot. Any ideas?

So this is a bit complicated in Catalina. But to keep it simple, a screensaver (any, not just Aerial) is a plugin to an app extension called legacyScreenSaver. It's not it's own process. The issue with auto updates was that Aerial started an extra process for the update, and because of permission that process failed. So I did remove that in Catalina.

So to answer your question, my understanding is that is the system process that is running the legacyScreenSaver.appex that in turn runs Aerial.saver, so maybe try and kill that process ? I have no idea if that works though, if it does please let me know.

I do have lots of other things running, but generally nothing that pops up windows during the day that I can think of. Some of the apps that are running in the background are dropbox, Code42, OneDrive, Google Drive, NoMAD, 1password. None of those ever really pop anything up, but maybe they are interfering?

That would be my guess yes. That's the only reason I know of of screensavers getting stuck (and it's probably not limited to Aerial but probably any 3rd party screensaver).

Because the issue is infrequent it's probably not super helpful, but there's a cool script here :

written by someone who had an unrelated issue that can detect who steals the focus. Keeping it in the background may be helpful if you can get back to it maybe ? I wish I could be of more help but that's about all I know around that kind of issues.

Edit : also as mentionned by someone else, please try cmd-opt-shift-esc instead of sshing.

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

I understand and thanks for the quick responses! When it happens again, I'll try killing the screensaverengine and see if that does anything. Also, thanks for the script, I'll try to get that running as well and see what we discover. Thanks again for your explanations and support!!

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

Ok, so it just happened to me again. I had the script running (also attached it), but apparently the didn't quit once the process completed (I think). Even though the script shows "no active app" after the loginwindow process, the ScreenSaverEngine is still running. I was able to get back into my machine by killing the PID from my phone. I tried by name, but it said it couldn't find any processes which I thought was weird. Anyway, once I did a "kill 38648", I was back in business. Thankfully I could see the terminal window by using expose and even take a pic of it, lol. Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 4 40 32 PM

glouel commented 4 years ago

Hi @lopezzi and thanks for following up

So tiny bit of background of my understanding of this, as this may help to understand what you're seeing. As I mentioned before, in Catalina, 3rd party screensavers are a plugin to legacyScreenSaver.appex, itself an extension to One pretty important thing about this is that the screensaver doesn't decide it's lifecycle. We get started AND stopped by the system, and, as far as I understand, that's that should have focus when it's running.

When you pressed a key to interrupt the screensaver, in the pre Catalina days, it would go to Aerial. Aerial could then bubble it up if it didn't need it (and it would go, I assumed, to This was used for example for the right arrow key to skip a video. Now, that one no longer works because legacyScreenSaver.appex doesn't have the entitlement to have access to the keyboard, so as far as I know this code should not be a factor.

Now, if you don't ask for a password, this is pretty straightforward as far as I know, here's the output I get:

2019-11-15 13:54:22: [1397] /Applications/ (iTerm2)
2019-11-15 13:54:24: [17752] /System/Library/CoreServices/ (ScreenSaverEngine)
2019-11-15 13:54:31: [1397] /Applications/ (iTerm2)

I started the screen saver, waited about 7 secs to press space, my understanding is that grab that input and quit itself, bringing me back to

If you do ask for a password (with or without Apple Watch, I also use the watch unlock here) comes in the mix, but later on. Here, I set the ask for password to 5 sec, waited about 8 sec to press a key :

2019-11-15 14:03:42: [1395] /Applications/ (Safari)
2019-11-15 14:04:06: [17787] /System/Library/CoreServices/ (ScreenSaverEngine)
2019-11-15 14:04:14: [484] /System/Library/CoreServices/ (loginwindow)
2019-11-15 14:04:15: *** no active app ***

So for the whole 8 secs the screensaver was running, had focus here. When I pressed the key, was moved to front (my logo was visible with the text mentioning watch unlock and the background a bit dimmed) and I think it had focus for an instant before relinquishing it (that focus would be of use to type the password). During that time, Aerial (through is still running (you can see the video keeps playing in the background) ! It's only when let's me in that Aerial gets killed (again, through the container app).

Notice that I also have the no active app, but this happens after the was triggered (and so ScreenSaverEngine, for lack of better term, did it's job), and with a slight delay.

As far as I understand, the delay is the time needed for the watch unlock here. But, unlike in the first case, does not give the focus back to the previously active app (here, Safari). And indeed after the unlock, Safari is not focused, nor anything else.

As far as I know, this is a pretty separate issue to yours, that is related to how works in Catalina and is very much a bug, it should give proper focus back. But this is minor and not your issue.

Now when I look at your log, I'm a bit puzzled about what's happening exactly. Let me see if I get this correct :

Can you be a bit more precise of what you exactly see when you are stuck, do you or do you not see the with the dim, your logo and the watch thing ? I'm wondering if the issue is not killing after you auth, or if this is something else ?

Sorry this is a bit long (and it took me a bit to respond) but I'm not sure I'm exactly getting what you are experiencing. You mentioned that you could run Exposé which suggest you were logged back in. Also last thing, did you try or not this shortcut (pressing cmd-opt-shift-esc) instead of sshing ? This is the force quit shortcut and should work (you can try it before launching screensaver just to be sure) if I understand where you are at that point.

Thanks !

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

Hey @glouel thanks for following up and for the detailed reply. Sorry I wasn't too specific on timing of those things in the terminal window. I will explain what I did, but you are correct. Here's the breakdown:

So the last was the blocking one, although when looking at the list, the PID doesn't change so it doesn't look like the Mac started a new process (?) I'm not positive how the mac works in that regard.

Yes I could run Exposé and I could see all my other apps still running and everything when I did the swipe gesture. I could even do the Command-Shift-4, space, click procedure to get the screenshot of the Terminal window, but I can't actually interact with any other apps or click on them when in Exposé as it just returns full screen to the Aerial video that's playing. So in short, yes I was logged back in, but just couldn't click on anything as the video was taking the whole screen.

I didn't try the key combo, but I did just test it on a separate app and it closed it, so when it happens again, I will for sure try it and see if the app closes. That will be much easier than ssh-ing back into my Mac from my phone :)

Hopefully that helps describe the process I did. If anything is unclear, please let me know. I may even be able to take a video of it next time it happens.

glouel commented 4 years ago

Hey @glouel thanks for following up and for the detailed reply. Sorry I wasn't too specific on timing of those things in the terminal window.

@lopezzi no worries, thanks a lot, this is super helpful. Reason I was confused is that this is fairly different than the original issue. This may be a good thing !

I will explain what I did, but you are correct. Here's the breakdown:

  • I had mail open, had to go grab something, so I put the mouse in the bottom left corner of my screen (I use hot corners to start the screensaver which also locks my Mac) and go do whatever it was for 2.5 min.
  • I come back, move/click the mouse around, or press a key (don't remember exactly), comes to focus and I see my logo and the "Unlocking your Mac with Apple Watch" text
  • Watch makes the unlock sound and taps me, however Aerial is still playing the videos full screen and I can't get to anything

I have to say this is a bit wild, there's one thing I'd like to try although it's a very long shot, I'll come back to you with a version that fully removes the code that intercepts the right arrow key, just to be 100% sure it's not that.

  • The second "ScreenSaverEngine" focus is because I again, put my mouse into the bottom left corner of my screen again (while the Aerial video is still playing, hoping maybe it would realize it and unlock it or something) and Aerial (or screensaverengine) plays a different video overtop the original video that's still playing.

Now that's truly wild !

  • Again, I move the mouse or click a key, the loginwindow pops up with my logo and text "Unlocking Mac with Apple Watch" and the second Aerial video stops and returns to the first Aerial video that's still playing full screen.

That makes sense.

  • If I remember, I think I clicked the mouse to see if I could get the focus again (which looks like I did) and then did a three-finger swipe down to see all my open windows including terminal which showed the still running and it's PID.

And so... with exposé you could see it as a "classic" running app, just like terminal ?

So the last was the blocking one, although when looking at the list, the PID doesn't change so it doesn't look like the Mac started a new process (?) I'm not positive how the mac works in that regard.

Yes !!! To give you an idea, if you have multiple screen, you have one that starts all the .savers in separate threads. From the point of view of the plugin, you can share some things this way. That's about as much as I know of the internal but if I had to guess, the lingering thread was being treated independently as the next batch and ignored in your next attempt to quit (that worked, for that group of threads).

Yes I could run Exposé and I could see all my other apps still running and everything when I did the swipe gesture. I could even do the Command-Shift-4, space, click procedure to get the screenshot of the Terminal window, but I can't actually interact with any other apps or click on them when in Exposé as it just returns full screen to the Aerial video that's playing. So in short, yes I was logged back in, but just couldn't click on anything as the video was taking the whole screen.

Ok this is super interesting thanks for confirming. To explain why ScreenSaver always came in front, this is a feature of macOS, the window (that is created/controlled by, again), has a special window level that puts it always in front :

I didn't try the key combo, but I did just test it on a separate app and it closed it, so when it happens again, I will for sure try it and see if the app closes. That will be much easier than ssh-ing back into my Mac from my phone :)

I hope it will ! Each time I hear you sshing from your phone to your mac...

Hopefully that helps describe the process I did. If anything is unclear, please let me know. I may even be able to take a video of it next time it happens.

No that's great, thanks. I'll make a quick test build for you to see if it improves, if not though, we'll have to fill a radar to try and get it fixed I'm afraid as this is happening way above Aerial in the stack. Thanks !

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks for doing that.

To answer your question about the exposé thing, no the video or screensaver doesn't appear as a classic app like all the others. The video actually just fades into the background while all my running apps scale to their prospective windows. If I hold my three-finger swipe mid way through the gesture, you can actually watch the video still playing, but slowly fading away while the other apps slowly fade into view. Then if I slowly reverse the gesture, you can watch the video (still playing mind you) slowly fade back to the front while the apps all slowly fade into the background. It's pretty wild, I'll try to get a video of it next time.

glouel commented 4 years ago

I'm willing to give it a shot! Thanks for doing that.

No problem, please install this :

If the issue reoccur we'll see to fill a radar.

To answer your question about the exposé thing, no the video or screensaver doesn't appear as a classic app like all the others. The video actually just fades into the background while all my running apps scale to their prospective windows. If I hold my three-finger swipe mid way through the gesture, you can actually watch the video still playing, but slowly fading away while the other apps slowly fade into view. Then if I slowly reverse the gesture, you can watch the video (still playing mind you) slowly fade back to the front while the apps all slowly fade into the background. It's pretty wild, I'll try to get a video of it next time.

Ok I admit this was more about my curiosity on this one ! but it makes perfect sense. Exposé must have a specific (undocumented publicly) windowlevel that's above the screensaver I would assume !

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

Ok, I've got it installed. I'll let you know what happens. I typically don't use this computer over the weekend, so if it doesn't happen in the next couple hours, it will probably be Monday at the earliest I can test again. Just wanted to give a heads up.

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

So I thought maybe we were in the clear, but I just had it happen again. It's been working great, but it just did it again. Now, I have no idea if the way I am using my Mac at this moment made a difference or not, but here's the setup I had. I'm Airplaying my screen to an AppleTV, started the screensaver, came back and moved the mouse. The "loginwindow" appeared but told me you can't unlock the computer via Apple Watch when the screen is being shared (who knew?) so I used TouchID (on a MacBook Pro) and it unlocked but the screen saver still was playing. I used the magic key combo and it took me right out of it (so that part does work). Not sure if it was something related to Airplaying my screen or not, but wanted to report my findings. I'll report back with any additional findings should they arise.

glouel commented 4 years ago

So I thought maybe we were in the clear, but I just had it happen again. It's been working great, but it just did it again. Now, I have no idea if the way I am using my Mac at this moment made a difference or not, but here's the setup I had. I'm Airplaying my screen to an AppleTV, started the screensaver, came back and moved the mouse. The "loginwindow" appeared but told me you can't unlock the computer via Apple Watch when the screen is being shared (who knew?)

I definitely didn't !

so I used TouchID (on a MacBook Pro) and it unlocked but the screen saver still was playing. I used the magic key combo and it took me right out of it (so that part does work). Not sure if it was something related to Airplaying my screen or not, but wanted to report my findings. I'll report back with any additional findings should they arise.

Ok thanks ! Because that's such a specific use case, I'd love to know if you see it happening in more "classic" conditions although it would be quite the coincidence to get the same bug two separate ways. But I can't discount the fact that you didn't hit the issue this week so better be sure on this.

Thanks for following up !

lopezzi commented 4 years ago

So I was really hoping to not have to write this, but it just happened again. However, there was again, one small deviation from the norm that may or may not matter. So like normal, I had to leave my desk, put my Mac into screensaver mode. Came back and clicked/wiggles the mouse which brought up the normal loginwindow screen, however this time it said the signal from my watch was too weak to Auto Unlock (which is normal, seen it occasionally if I turn around or something while it's trying to unlock.) So I manually enter my password and bam. Computer unlocks, but screensaver is still running. Had to do the key combo to exit again. Having to type my password in manually is the only change from normal. I'm about to head out for the rest of the week, so probably won't get any time to continue testing the rest of the week, but will continue when I can. Just wanted to report my findings.

glouel commented 4 years ago

Ok, thanks for the followup. I think the password thing doesn't change much. At this point the best way forward is to fill a radar through Feedback Assistant on your mac so Apple can have a look. I can help you through it if you want. It's important that you are the one doing it as the tool collects some data about your machine to help them debug the issue. So let me know and I'll get you through it.

tvwillie commented 4 years ago

Please supply me with a recent, direct link, to “Aerial Screensaver” for a Mac running Catalina. Thanks, Willie

On Nov 27, 2019, at 6:40 AM, Guillaume Louel wrote:

Ok, thanks for the followup. I think the password thing doesn't change much. At this point the best way forward is to fill a radar through Feedback Assistant on your mac so Apple can have a look. I can help you through it if you want. It's important that you are the one doing it as the tool collects some data about your machine to help them debug the issue. So let me know and I'll get you through it.

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glouel commented 4 years ago

@tvwillie ? The link is on the front page, here you go...

tvwillie commented 4 years ago

Thank you sir. Great job.

On Nov 27, 2019, at 2:52 PM, Guillaume Louel wrote:

@tvwillie ? The link is on the front page, here you go... — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe

jacklawry commented 4 years ago

Hi all, great plugin that I have been using for a long time but when I upgraded to 10.15 it broke so I upgraded and have had quite a few issues since. I have tried to read the posts above but there are now just so many... Can you confirm the best version/settings to use on 10.15.1 on a MacBook Pro (with Touch Bar) - I am using v1.6.4?

Basically I am having the same issue as some others have reported above where sometimes it just won't stop the screen saver, if I trigger a hot corner I can even trigger a second screen save over the top of the failed one or go to mission control etc. But I have to force quit the original lower one...

I also sometimes can force it to close by itself by removing one or more of my additional screens and closing the lid of the laptop and then re-opening it before reconnecting the screens.

glouel commented 4 years ago

Hi @jacklawry

1.6.4 is the best version for now, yes. Settings don't seem to have much impact as far as I know regarding the screensaver not quitting after you authenticated.

This looks to be a macOS bug as far as I understand (the screensaver never quits by itself, macOS starts and stops us at will on as many screens as needed), though I haven't been able to reproduce it here yet.

There may be a common factor on those who hit the bug (the one you specifically mention, the others upthreads are of a fixed, separate issue) but I haven't managed to find it yet (you're the second person to report that particular issue so far).

If you are able, I would highly suggest filing a radar through feedback assistant from your machine, as this may help to get the bug resolved. I can guide you through it if needed.

Edit: Completely forgot, but to easily quit, you can press cmd-opt-shift-esc, this will hopefully make it less of a hassle for you.

tvwillie commented 4 years ago

John, On another computer using OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 I find myself unable to find a workable version of your fine Aerial Screensaver. Could you please send me a direct link to a viable version for this OS X. Thanking you in advance, I remain William Mason

On Dec 4, 2019, at 8:25 AM, Guillaume Louel wrote:

Hi @jacklawry 1.6.4 is the best version for now, yes. Settings don't seem to have much impact as far as I know regarding the screensaver not quitting after you authenticated.

This looks to be a macOS bug as far as I understand (the screensaver never quits by itself, macOS starts and stops us at will on as many screens as needed), though I haven't been able to reproduce it here yet.

There may be a common factor on those who hit the bug (the one you specifically mention, the others upthreads are of a fixed, separate issue) but I haven't managed to find it yet (you're the second person to report that particular issue so far).

If you are able, I would highly suggest filing a radar through feedback assistant from your machine, as this may help to get the bug resolved. I can guide you through it if needed.

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glouel commented 4 years ago

John, On another computer using OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 I find myself unable to find a workable version of your fine Aerial Screensaver. Could you please send me a direct link to a viable version for this OS X. Thanking you in advance, I remain William Mason …


Have you tried 1.6.4 ?

This is the latest version which should work on everything from 10.9 to 10.15. If something specific doesn't work, please elaborate.

jacklawry commented 4 years ago

I feel for you and would imagine what a pain it is to support a FREE amazing solution like this (especially when it’s default And core on the Apple TV) so not sure why it’s not also default in macOS? But would love to help if you can send details on how to report it fully.

tvwillie commented 4 years ago

Thanks again……….All is working…………… Willie

On Dec 4, 2019, at 5:36 PM, Guillaume Louel wrote:

John, On another computer using OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 I find myself unable to find a workable version of your fine Aerial Screensaver. Could you please send me a direct link to a viable version for this OS X. Thanking you in advance, I remain William Mason … <x-msg://7/#> Hi,

Have you tried 1.6.4 ? This is the latest version which should work on everything from 10.9 to 10.15. If something specific doesn't work, please elaborate.

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glouel commented 4 years ago

I feel for you and would imagine what a pain it is to support a FREE amazing solution like this (especially when it’s default And core on the Apple TV) so not sure why it’s not also default in macOS?

Let's just say Catalina makes doing all this a tad less enjoyable ;)

But would love to help if you can send details on how to report it fully.

Great !

So look for Feedback Assistant on your mac using spotlight, it has a purple icon. After logging in, press the new message option. Then it's fairly straightforward, pick macOS, in the next form pick something with ScreenSaver (I'm unsure of the exact english name for it since it's translated, I'd go with Screensaver Framework or Screensaver API).

Fill the description explaining that after authenticating, the screensaver keeps running in the background and isn't stopped. You can mention that you have to kill manually, and that if you don't you can actually launch another instance of You can also put a link here :

After you fill the description it will collect anonymized data that will help them should they investigate. Thanks a lot for filling this, I can't guarantee it will get a response but it's worth a try !

alecmocatta commented 4 years ago

I'm seeing the same issue as OP, but for an Apple screensaver (Flurry). Definitely a macOS bug – I've filed it with Feedback Assistant and it can be viewed here.

apwelsh commented 4 years ago

I don't mean to thread-jack, but don't want to open a duplicate bug report. I have been experiencing this with version 1.8.2 on Catalina 10.5.4. So the bug still appears to exist. This is the only Screen Save I have ever had the problem with, and the only 3rd part screen save. Unlike @alecmocatta I do not have this issue with Drift nor Flurry, nor any other Apple screen saver.

btw, THANK YOU for this. I love these Aerials on my Apple TV had am so excited to hame them on my dual monitor setup. I love how I was able to calibrate monitor position to make the video transition smoothly between screens.

zaloogarcia commented 4 years ago

Did anyone fixed this? Is quite annoying