JohnDTill / MathBran

Serialized typesetting standard
MIT License
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is a specification for serializing typeset mathematical constructs.

For the most part MathBran uses standard unicode, but three symbols are overloaded to allow for typeset constructs. These are:

It is permissible to escape the special symbols, for example the string x = 3 ⁜ 2 has a MathBran representation x = 3 ⁜⁜ 2. Hopefully the obscurity of the symbols will prevent escaped characters from occurring often.

The construct symbol indicates the start of specially formatted text. The next character after the construct symbol is the construct code. For example, the LaTeX-style equation i = \sqrt{-1} has a MathBran representation: i = ⁜√⏴-1⏵. Constructs can nest arbitrarily deep, e.g. MathBran uses cos(π/4) = ⁜f⏴⁜√⏴2⏵⏵⏴2⏵ to represent the LaTeX equation \cos(\pi/4) = \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}.

Not every argument will be parsed as text. For example, to specify a matrix unambiguously, MathBran requires the first two arguments to specify the row and column counts. The MATLAB-style matrix [A B C; D E F] has a MathBran representation ⁜⊞⏴2⏵⏴3⏵⏴A⏵⏴B⏵⏴C⏵⏴D⏵⏴E⏵⏴F⏵.

The construct codes and their usage are specified in the table below:

Symbol Description Usage
Construct Symbol ⁜⁜
Open ⁜⏴
Close ⁜⏵
Accent Arrow ⁜→⏴Text⏵
ā Accent Bar ⁜ā⏴Text⏵
ă Accent Breve ⁜ă⏴Text⏵
ȧ Accent Dot ⁜ȧ⏴Text⏵
ä Accent Double Dots ⁜ä⏴Text⏵
Accent Triple Dots ⁜⋯⏴Text⏵
â Accent Hat ⁜â⏴Text⏵
ã Accent Tilde ⁜ã⏴Text⏵
Summation ⁜∑(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
Product ⁜∏(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
Coproduct ⁜∐(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
Intersection ⁜⋂(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
Union ⁜⋃(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
Union Plus ⁜⨄(⏴Underscript⏵(⏴Overscript⏵)?)?
b Binomial Coefficients ⁜b⏴Top⏵⏴Bottom⏵
c Cases ⁜c(⏴Value⏵⏴Condition⏵)+
f Fraction ⁜f⏴Numerator⏵⏴Denominator⏵
( Grouping Parenthesis ⁜(⏴Text⏵
[ Grouping Brackets ⁜[⏴Text⏵
Grouping Ceil ⁜⌈⏴Text⏵
Grouping Floor ⁜⌊⏴Text⏵
| Grouping Bars ⁜|⏴Text⏵
Grouping Double Bars ⁜‖⏴Text⏵
Integral ⁜∫(⏴Subscript⏵(⏴Superscript⏵)?)?
Double Integral ⁜∬(⏴Subscript⏵)?
Triple Integral ⁜∭(⏴Subscript⏵)?
Contour Integral ⁜∮(⏴Subscript⏵(⏴Superscript⏵)?)?
Closed Surface Integral ⁜∯(⏴Subscript⏵)?
Closed Volume Integral ⁜∰(⏴Subscript⏵)?
Matrix ⁜⊞⏴r⏵⏴c⏵((⏴Entry⏵)\<r×c>)? r,c ∈ ⟦1, 255⟧
Root ⁜√⏴Body⏵(⏴Script⏵)?
_ Subscript ⁜_⏴Subscript⏵
^ Superscript ⁜^⏴Superscript⏵
Δ Dualscript ⁜Δ⏴Subscript⏵⏴Superscript⏵
Evalscript ⁜┊⏴Subscript⏵⏴Superscript⏵
l Limit ⁜l⏴Text⏵⏴Approaching⏵
Underscripted max ⁜↑⏴Underscript⏵
Underscripted min ⁜↓⏴Underscript⏵
Underscripted sup ⁜↗⏴Underscript⏵
Underscripted inf ⁜↘⏴Underscript⏵

For an example of what the MathBran specification can enable, check out the YAWYSIWYGEE editor demo.