JohnSmidt / Chameleon

2D Engine for MonoGame
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Chameleon Engine


Making an engine from scratch in order to learn more about C#, and to better myself in creating optomized solutions. Plus, I get a cool engine afterwards to make games with.

I am using the Monogame framework to build this engine. I think its lightweight enough that I can/(have to) write most of my functionality, but big enough so I dont have to write EVERYTHING from scratch.

I have some rules that I will follow while building this engine.


  1. I cannot blatantly steal code. I can look at others code, and even write code that is 1:1 of someone else's code, but no copy pasta.
  2. I can only write from other code if I COMPLETELY understand the code. I will understand every line of code written for this thing.
  3. I cannot ask for people to suggest solutions. It goes against my ability to find and read documentation. Just simply asking for help does me no favors, I need to search out the answer myself.
    1. I can however ask people to review my code. This does help me learn by seeing other solutions to a problem I have already solved. If a revision critique is made, I have to understand the critique completely before I can implement.
    2. I can talk to others about theory and design, but no code should be generated by those people. Just advice and speculation.
  4. My goal is to become a better programmer. Therefore, I will need to adhere to styling standards, and make appropriate documentation and commentary on my code.
  5. I am not too worried about proper git implementations. I use git consitently in my career, and I don't need to add a bunch of formalities for no reason when I am the only one pushing to this repo.


While I will do my best to make this as optimized as possible, this is more of a place for me to 'be uncomfortable' with my code. Its a place for me to experiment, fail, learn and grow. If you are a recruiter looking at this, please view this with an open mind :)