Please note this bot is still being actively worked on with features being added, removed, and modified as needed. I am on the support discord daily to help with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have while using the bot. Just let me know when things break and they'll be fixed ASAP.
A Discord Bot for D&D Character Creation, Maintaining, and Progression
Unlike my previous bot this will be closed-source. This repo is made only for install & usage instructions as well as bug tracking and feature requests.
If you would like to try the dev-version of the bot, join the support discord below and head over to #dnd-bot-dev-public-testing to see the latest commands being worked on. Any help with testing new features is greatly appreciated and makes launches much smoother.
Follow this link:
You can try the bot / get support for it in this discord:
/info -- gives info on the bot
/createcharacter charactername -- gets you started on the character creation
/erasecharacter charactername -- deletes a character CANNOT BE UNDONE WITHOUT RECREATING !createcharacter
/changechar charactername -- changes you to a different character, leave input blank if you want a list of your characters
/help -- tells you to come here
/bugreport bug description -- allows users to report a bug to me
/featurerequest feature description -- allows users to request a feature from me
/r -- explains usage of the rolling command
/changeprefix prefix -- allows Administrators on servers to change the bot's prefix to whatever they want, (@,#,$,%,etc)
/changelog -- shows the most recent changes
/pdfgen -- generates an editable pdf of your currently selected character.
/donate -- gives information on how to donate
/checkdonator -- let's you know if you have your donator benefits, if you feel you should but don't, get in touch with AmericanLegend#6969
/coinflip - flips a coin
/stats stat -- use !stat to sell all of your sheet, !stat ch[aracter], !stat sp[ell], !stat sk[ills], !stat eq[uipment] to see specific pages NOTE: b[lah] 'lah' is optional in command, meaning !stat ch shows the same as !stat character.
/set attribute settingto -- used to change items on the character sheet
Special Attributes:
ex: /set XP 500
ex: /set Alignment Neutral Evil
ex: /add CurrentHP 5
ex: /add Treasure Gold Chain
ex: /add Equipment Bone Club
ex: /sub CurrentHP 2
ex: /sub Personality Bad Guy
ex: /sub Treasure Gold Chain
ex: /appear 20 6'0 180 Blue Tan Brown
FOR SERVER OWNERS Upon adding the discord bot to the server, make sure it has permissions to send messages/links/embeds. That is about all it will need.
From there, the bot will guide you on what you need to do to get set up. Again, this process best done in private, if multiple people are making characters in 1 chat, it might get confusing.
If you're using a custom class / race, you can enter "Custom" on those fields, but be aware that you'll be in charge of choosing your proficiencies and other relevant info to your character. Meaning manually setting the attribute fields using the proper commands. In other words, more work for you. The Custom settings are also a bit bugged, so I recommend picking a class similar to what you want, then changing the name.
Your character will be available on ANY server that the bot is present on. Your character progress is persistent and saved.
Due to character informaton being stored on my own server, You are limited to 3 characters per discord account. There is an option to donate to unlock unlimited characters. Again, this is a space issue. If more people donate, I can afford better hardware, which means bigger harddrives, which means I can afford to store all your character data.
More benefits to come...