JohnlNguyen / semantic_code_search

Semantic Code Search building on a fork from tensor2tensor
Apache License 2.0
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Semantic Code Search

Ready-made training and testing scripts are provided in this directory. Below are the instructions to make use of them.


For a greater detail of our model, please refer to our report.

All our code is present in the file. It makes use of tensor2tensor (T2T) components to work. In fact the file mentioned above serves as an extended component of T2T.

Inside you'll find multiple classes with the @registry.register_problem decorator function sitting on top of it. This lets T2T know these are new problems that we want to add to its list of problems. This enables us to use these problems during training and testing by just providing their name, and T2T will know where to find it.

We inherit broad problem classes like Text2TextProblem to our semantic search classes and overwrite the relevant functions for it to make it work for our problem. You can refer to the file to know about the available functions and their purposes.

The 2 most important functions in our code are the vocab_type and generate_samples functions. The first defines the type of vocab to use (like SUBWORD), and the second is responsible for generating training samples. generate_samples returns a dictionary with inputs and targets keys, with each pointing to a single pair of respective parts in the training data. This needs to be yield-ed one at a time from the dataset.


Install using -e flag with pip command by providing the path to the directory holding this repository; more specifically the directory holding file inside the project repository.

If running from inside here:

pip3 install -e .

Directory Setup

Open the and files and change the environment variables defined at the start to point to the right locations. The purpose for each are mentioned below.

Note that all directories need to be created manually, T2T will not create them for you.

Training and Testing

If all the directories are specified correctly, just run the for training, and for testing with the latest model checkpoint.

Additional Documentation

Additional T2T documentation can be found in the docs directory.