JokeNeverSoke / racket-huh

Preview racket code in the web
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Racket Huh

A webapp that renders and runs scheme/racket code in-browser.

Getting Started

To install the project locally:

git clone
cd racket-huh
pnpm install

Start a local PostgreSQL database.

Set up your environment appropriately:

cp .env.example .env
vim .env  # modify your postgresql endpoint

Finally, spin up your development server:

pnpm dev


Racket Execution

This project relies on jcubic/lips to execute scheme code in the browser (as Racket internally also compiles to Chez Scheme). Since the languages are not drastically different, at least for pre-htdp2/asl rulesets (basic, basic+, isl, isl+), we do a simple compilation/preprocess step in the browser, and pass the compiled code to lips.

Project Structure

The rest of the project is simple. We use typescript RPC for server client execution, prisma as database ORM and postgresql as the database. Entries are retrieved using dynamic pathnames.

A current hack exists in src/lib/scheme.ts, where we load lips into the globalThis scope in a useHook due to incompatibilities of the library with server rendering. I haven't found a better way to load the library dynamically without it executing/being bundled on server side.

Why the Name?

I only called this racket-huh because of how predicates are pronounced by NEU professors. A function called is-prime? would be pronounced as is prime huh where huh stands for the unpronouncable ?.
