JonOfScience / etym_tree_python

A python project designed to allow input, display, and tracking of the vocabulary of a constructed language.
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A python project designed to allow input, display, and tracking of the vocabulary of a constructed language.


Conda Environment Package Installation

At a prompt in which the (empty) environment has been created:

conda install python
pip install pylama[all]
conda install matplotlib
conda install networkx
conda install pytest
pip install pytest-qt
conda install pytest-mock


Configuration Flow and Test Coverage


Settings - Stored Locally and can be Loaded

Sequence Diagram ```mermaid sequenceDiagram actor Config Participant Settings participant SettingsIOService participant IOService participant Deserialiser participant TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(246, 237, 179) Config->>Settings: import_config() end rect rgb(172, 236, 174) Settings->>SettingsIOService: import_config() end rect rgb(253, 194, 235) SettingsIOService->>IOService: deserialise_stored() end activate IOService rect rgb(195, 187, 236) IOService->>IOService: read() data from file
IOS-RDF-00 end rect rgb(248, 222, 203) IOService->>IOService: deserialise_string_to_obj(data)
IOS-STO-00 end rect rgb(195, 239, 252) IOService->>Deserialiser: deserialise(data) end deactivate IOService rect rgb(215, 245, 211) Deserialiser->>TypeDeserialiser: !X! deserialise(data) end activate TypeDeserialiser Note over TypeDeserialiser: data to dict rect rgb(200, 200, 200) TypeDeserialiser->>Deserialiser: return dict end deactivate TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(195, 239, 252) Deserialiser->>IOService: return dict
DES-DES-01 end rect rgb(253, 194, 235) IOService->>SettingsIOService: return dict
IOS-DSS-01 end rect rgb(172, 236, 174) SettingsIOService->>Settings: return dict
SIO-IMC-00 end rect rgb(100, 200, 236) activate Settings Settings->>Settings: integrate_config()
SET-INC-02 end deactivate Settings rect rgb(246, 237, 179) Settings ->> Config: UPDATED
SET-IMC-00 end ```

Settings Tests: SET (./tests/

Settings - Instantiation Tests - SET-IST

SET-IST Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | SET-IST-00 | Happy | Instantiates empty | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-IST-01 | Happy | Instantiates with configuration | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-IST-02 | Happy | Instantiates with context | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

Settings - Integrate Config Tests - SET-INC

SET-INC Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | SET-INC-00 | Happy | Clean integrates passed config values | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-INC-01 | Happy | Integrates empty config | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-INC-02 | Happy | Integrates config values with overwriting| :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-INC-03 | Sad | Throws if integrating None | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SET-INC-04 | Bad | Throws if parameter is invalid | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

Settings - Import Config Tests - SET-IMC

SET-IMC Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | SET-IMC-00 | Happy | Returns an integrated object from a valid filename | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

SettingsIOService: SIO (./services/

IOService: IOS (./services/

Serialiser Tests: SER (./tests/

Serialiser Instantiation Tests: SER-IST

SER-IST Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | SER-IST-00 | Happy | Instantiates with a DataFormat specified | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SER-IST-01 | Sad | Throws on empty instantiation | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

Serialiser Serialise Tests: SER-SER

SER-SER Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | SER-SER-00 | Bad | Throws on serialise with invalid DataFormat | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SER-SER-01 | Happy | Returns valid JSON string for object | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SER-SER-02 | Happy | Returns empty string for empty object | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | SER-SER-03 | Sad | Throws with None input | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

STATE TEST: TypeSerialiser - Is JSON serialisation accurate? NO TEST - Testing the library

Deserialiser Tests: DES (./tests/

Deserialiser Instantiation Tests: DES-IST

DES-IST Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | DES-IST-00 | Happy | Instantiates with a DataFormat specified | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DES-IST-01 | Sad | Throws on empty instantiation | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

Deserialiser deserialise Tests: DES-DES

DES-DES Sequence diagram ```mermaid sequenceDiagram actor Test participant Deserialiser participant TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(200, 200, 200) Test->>Deserialiser: deserialise(data) end rect rgb(200, 200, 200) Deserialiser->>TypeDeserialiser: deserialise(data) end rect rgb(200, 200, 200) activate TypeDeserialiser Note over TypeDeserialiser: data to dict TypeDeserialiser->>Deserialiser: return dict end deactivate TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(200, 255, 150) Deserialiser->>Test: return dict
DES-DES-01 end ```
DES-DES Test descriptions | Label | Path | Description | Include? | Complete |-|-|-|-|-| | DES-DES-00 | Bad | Throws on deserialise with invalid DataFormat | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DES-DES-01 | Happy | Returns deserialised object from valid JSON string | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DES-DES-02 | Happy | Returns empty object from empty string | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | DES-DES-03 | Sad | Throws with None input | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark:

Lexicon Flow and Test Coverage

Word (Class) (./src/lib/

Lexicon Class (./src/lib/

    actor Trigger
    Participant Lexicon
    Participant Word(s)
    participant LexiconIOService
    participant IOService
    participant Serialiser
    participant TypeSerialiser

    Trigger->>Lexicon: store self
    rect rgb(160, 200, 200)
    loop For all words
    Lexicon->>Word(s): get field data
    Word(s)->>Lexicon: return data <br> WRD-DIO-00
    Lexicon->>LexiconIOService: pass data objects for all Words <br> TEST
    rect rgb(160, 200, 200)
    loop For all Word data objects
    LexiconIOService->>IOService: pass Word data
    IOService->>Serialiser: request serialisation
    Serialiser->>TypeSerialiser: request serialisation
    TypeSerialiser->>Serialiser: return serialised
    Serialiser->>IOService: return serialised <br> SER-SER-01
    IOService->>LexiconIOService: return serialised <br> IOS-OTS-00
    LexiconIOService->>LexiconIOService: Package serialised strings into list
    LexiconIOService->>IOService: Pass package
    IOService->>IOService: Store package in a file <BR> TEST

BEHAVIOUR TEST: LexiconIOService - Will it write data? (LIO-SDL) BEHAVIOUR TEST: LexiconIOService - Will it write a single item accurately? (LIO-SDL) BEHAVIOUR TEST: LexiconIOService - Will it write multiple items accurately? (LIO-SDL)

Lexicon Tests: LEX (./tests/

Lexicon - Instantiation Tests - LEX-IST

Label Path Description Include? Complete
LEX-IST-00 Happy Instantiates empty :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

Lexicon - Collection of Data from Members Tests - LEX-CWD

Label Path Description Include? Complete
LEX-CWD-00 Happy Collects data from all Words :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

Lexicon - Messaging with LexiconIOService - LEX-MIO

Label Path Description Include? Complete
LEX-MIO-00 Happy Passes data from all words :heavy_check_mark: :x:

Configuration (V1)

Flow Sequence Diagram ```mermaid sequenceDiagram actor Config Participant Settings participant ConfigService participant IOService participant Deserialiser participant TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(200, 200, 200) Config->>Settings: import_config() CM_IC_0 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) Settings->>ConfigService: import_config() CM_IC_1 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) ConfigService->>IOService: deserialise_stored() CM_IC_2 end activate IOService rect rgb(200, 255, 150) IOService->>IOService: read() data from file CM_IC_3 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) IOService->>IOService: deserialise_string_to_obj(data) CM_IC_4 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) IOService->>Deserialiser: deserialise(data) CM_IC_5 end deactivate IOService rect rgb(200, 255, 150) Deserialiser->>TypeDeserialiser: deserialise(data) CMI_IC_6 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) activate TypeDeserialiser Note over TypeDeserialiser: data to dict TypeDeserialiser->>Deserialiser: return dict CM_IC_7 end deactivate TypeDeserialiser rect rgb(200, 255, 150) Deserialiser->>IOService: return dict CM_IC_8 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) IOService->>ConfigService: return dict CM_IC_9 end rect rgb(200, 200, 200) ConfigService->>Settings: return dict CM_IC_10 end rect rgb(200, 255, 150) activate Settings Settings->>Settings: integrate_config() CM_IC_11 end deactivate Settings rect rgb(200, 255, 150) Settings ->> Config: UPDATED CM_IC_12 end ``` | Test Code | Information | |-|-| | CM_IC_0 | | | | **CM_IC_1** | GivenEmptySettings | | cm_ic_1_a_request_to_import_configuration_options_is_passed_on | | | **CM_IC_2** | GivenANewConfigService | | CM_IC_2_AServiceWillCallDeserialiseStoredOnImport | | | **CM_IC_3** | GivenANewIOService | | CM_IC_3_TheServiceCallsReadOnDeserialise | | | **CM_IC_4** | GivenANewIOService | | CM_IC_4_TheServiceCallsDeserialiseStringToObjectOnDeserialise | | | **CM_IC_5** | GivenAnIOServiceInJSONFormat | | CM_IC_5_TheServiceWillCallDeserializeString | | | **CM_IC_6** | GivenADeserialiserInJSONFormat | | CM_IC_6_AJSONDeserialiserIsCalled | | | **CM_IC_7** | GivenADeserialiserInJSONFormat | | CM_IC_7_AJSONStringCanBeDeserialised | | | | **CM_IC_8** | GivenADeserialiserInJSONFormat | | test_CM_IC_8_TheServiceWillDeserialiseAStoredString | | | **CM_IC_9** | GivenANewConfigService: | | CM_IC_9_AServiceReturnADeserialisedObjectOnImport | | | **CM_IC_10** | GivenANewConfigManager | | CM_IC_10_ImportConfigReturnsAConfigDictionary | | | **CM_IC_11** | GivenEmptySettings | | test_when_a_valid_id_is_specified_then_the_expected_setting_value_is_returned | | | **CM_IC_12** | GivenAnExistingConfiguration | | cm_ic_12_base_entries_are_overwritten_when_importing_config