JonahGroendal / x509-forest-of-trust

Solidity contract for storing verified X.509 certificate chains in parent pointer trees on ETH blockchain
MIT License
13 stars 4 forks source link
certificates eth-blockchain parent-pointer-trees solidity-contract validate verify x509


Solidity contract that parses and verifies X.509 certificate chains and stores them in parent pointer trees on the ETH blockchain. An ETH account can then prove ownership of a verified certificate in the tree.

Useful for: 1) associating a domain with an Ethereum address: dns-over-ens 2) verifying HTTP responses on-chain using Signed HTTP Exchanges (SXG) / web packages

The easiest way to use this contract from within your web3 app is via the javascript API:

const CertificateUploader = require('x509-forest-of-trust')
const fs = require('fs')
const pemCertRoot =         fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/root.pem')
const pemCertIntermediate = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/intermediate.pem')
const pemCertLeaf =         fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/leaf.pem')
const pemCertLeafPkcs8Key = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/leafPkcs8Key.pem')

// Inject web3 instance into javascript API
const api = CertificateUploader(web3, { chainId: 1 })

const pemCertChain = [pemCertRoot, pemCertIntermediate, pemCertLeaf]
const from = web3.eth.defaultAccount // or any address that's in web3.eth.accounts
api.addCertAndProveOwnership(from, pemCertChain, pemCertLeafPkcs8Key)
.then(() => {
  console.log('Certificates have been parsed, verified, and saved to the blockchain.')
  console.log(from + ' has been set as the owner of the leaf (aka end-entity) certificate.')

note: contracts must be redeployed between tests