JonasBchrt / raw-gnss-fusion

Code, data, and results for fusing raw GNSS data with other sensing modalities
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
126 stars 24 forks source link


Author: Jonas Beuchert

This repository accompanies a publication in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023 where we present an approach to fuse raw GNSS data with other sensing modalities (IMU and lidar) using a factor graph. The goal is to localize a mobile robot in the global Earth frame without drift and discontinuity. The GNSS data is not only used to anchor the robot's trajectory in the global Earth frame and to eliminate drift, but also for highly accurate local positioning using the carrier-phase observations of a GNSS receiver. However, we do not require a base station as differential GNSS methods normally do.

Jonas Beuchert, Marco Camurri, and Maurice Fallon. 2022. Factor Graph Fusion of Raw GNSS Sensing with IMU and Lidar for Precise Robot Localization without a Base Station. ArXiv, 7 pages.

This repository contains three pieces of work that do not depend on each other:

  1. Demo code for our carrier-phase factors

  2. Instructions how to use our public robot dataset with GNSS, IMU, an lidar data

  3. Results of our method on various datasets

Demo code for our carrier-phase factors

This repository contains a demo script that shows how carrier-phase observations from a GNSS receiver can be used in factor-graph optimization for accurate local/relative localization of a moving platform. Specifically, we create time-relative double-differential carrier-phase factors between different states in time.

This is not our real-time code. Just a script to demonstrate the concept.


The script is written in Python using the GTSAM library for the optimization and the GPSTk library for the GNSS processing. It was tested with Python 3.7 on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa). The data comes in u-blox' UBX format.

1. Install dependencies via apt

Open terminal.

apt update
apt install -y cmake git swig wget libtbb-dev libboost-all-dev pip

2. Install Python 3.7 via Miniconda

mkdir raw-gnss-fusion-libs
cd raw-gnss-fusion-libs

When prompted, respond with: enter - yes - enter - yes

Might work with other Python versions; just not tested.

3. Install GPS Toolkit

(Tested with gpstk v8.0.0.)

Re-open terminal.

cd raw-gnss-fusion-libs
git clone
cd GPSTk
./ -ue
cd ..

Make sure that the installation uses the correct Python version, i.e., the one which you installed in step 2.

4. Install GTSAM

(Tested with gtsam v4.1.0.)

git clone
cd gtsam
python3.7 -m pip install -r python/requirements.txt
python3.8 -m pip install -r python/requirements.txt
mkdir build
cd build
make python-install
cd ../..

We need to build from source since rather recent features are required. In the future, just python3.7 -m pip install gtsam might work.

Make sure that the installation uses the correct Python version, i.e., the one which you installed in step 2. This can be a bit confusing since Ubuntu 20.04's system Python 3.8 will be used in the installation process, but Python 3.7 from step 2 is the target.

5. Clone this repository and install requirements

git clone
python3.7 -m pip install pyubx2==1.1.7 matplotlib numpy geographiclib pymap3d folium
# or
python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

(Tested with geographiclib v1.52, pymap3d v2.50, and folium v0.12.1.)

6. Run the script

cd raw-gnss-fusion

The script:

There are several optimization parameters at the start of the Python script that can be altered.

Instructions how to use our public robot dataset with GNSS, IMU, and lidar data

This sequence is a different one than the one used above. A quadruped robot moved through a dense commercial forest. This is known to be challenging for satellite navigation due to the very limited sky visibility, many outliers in the GNSS measurements because of signal reflections by surrounding vegetation (multi-path effect), and signal degradation caused by the electromagnetic interference of the robot with the GNSS signals.

Link to dataset.

The data comes as three consecutive rosbags. There is also a RINEX file with the broadcasted satellite navgation data from the trial day.


Quadruped with GNSS receiver, GNSS antenna, and lidar


Recording rates

Recording software

ROS topics

IMU parameters


Results of our method on various datasets

We implemented pseudorange, IMU, and lidar factors in addition to the carrier-phase factors described above and estimated trajectories on several sequences using the resulting optimization algorithm. This includes the sequence above and further ones that we recorded or that are publicy available.

Funding statement

Jonas Beuchert is supported by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems.