JonasGessner / CCLoader

Developer utility for loading custom plugins into Control Center on iOS 7 and higher.
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Available to download from Cydia:


CCLoader loads custom sections into the iOS 7 Control Center. Templates for creating a CCLoader plugin are available for theos and for iOSOpenDev:

CCLoader Plugin template for theos:
CCLoader Plugin template for iOSOpenDev:

### Replacing Stock Control Center Sections Stock Control Center sections can also be replaced with a custom bundle. The NIC template will ask you for which section ID should be replaced. The Section IDs that can be replaced with CCLoader are:


CCLoader checks for `CCReplacingStockSectionID` in the bundle's Info.plist file. if any of the above values is given for that key then the corresponding stock section will be replaced. Otherwise the bundle will be recognized as a new section for Control Center.

A custom section that replaced a stock section has two options regarding the sections height: The custom section can return `CGFLOAT_MIN` as `sectionHeight`, in that case the height of the section that is replaced will be used. If the custom section returns anything other than `CGFLOAT_MIN` then that height will be used. This functionality is limited to iPone/iPod touch and to portrait mode. In landscape or on an iPad the height of the section that is being replaced will be used.

### iPad Support The only feature that works on iPads is to replace stock sections. New sections cannot be added to the iPad's Control Center (as of now).

Contributing ====== Contributing to the project is much appreciated. Feel free to fork and modify the project and open pull requests. You can contact me on Twitter: @JonasGessner. License ====== Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs. See the full license. Credits ======= © 2014, Created by Jonas Gessner