Jonathan-LeRoux / IguanaTex

A PowerPoint add-in allowing you to insert LaTeX equations into PowerPoint presentations on Windows and Mac
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Errors on Mac, need help pls #20

Closed perrogg closed 2 years ago

perrogg commented 2 years ago

I installed IguanaTex following the instruction, but met some errors when run it


System: Mac OS 10.15.7 PowerPoint: Office 365 Version 16.15(21061301) Paths Settings: (I installed GhostScript, ImageMagick via homebrew )


BTW, I have LaTeXit installed and downloaded LaTeXiT-metadata-macos, but how to use LaTeXiT-metadata-macos?

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 2 years ago

Could you attach or send me a minimum non-working example? The LaTeXiT metadata executable will be used internally if you try to edit with IguanaTex an equation that was originally inserted with LaTeXiT.

perrogg commented 2 years ago

Could you attach or send me a minimum non-working example? The LaTeXiT metadata executable will be used internally if you try to edit with IguanaTex an equation that was originally inserted with LaTeXiT.

Thank you for your reply. Sorry, I am not sure what "a minimum non-working example" means. I attach the following screenshot.

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When I click the "Generate", there is another window:

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After I agree it, the same error occurs

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perrogg commented 2 years ago

There is another issue:

When I click "cancel" botton on the following pic

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The following windows appear circularly

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I cannot go back to powerpoint workspace and have to exit the program forcibly.

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 2 years ago

These are two types of permission issues.

I'm not sure this will solve the "Selection (unknown member)" issue, but let's see what you get.

perrogg commented 2 years ago

These are two types of permission issues.

  • Temporary folder: on Mac, it's better to leave the Temp folder empty in the Main Settings window so that it defaults to a sandboxed folder (with a very complicated path) to which PowerPoint has write permission. If you do choose to use a specific folder (for example because you'd like to include some external files), then the best thing to do is to drag and drop that folder on top of the Powerpoint application (anywhere in the slide window, for example). This sounds crazy, but it gives write permission to the whole folder and Powerpoint won't bother you with granting access to every single file.
  • LaTeXiT-metadata-macos: you need to give execute permission to this file. I'm sorry that this isn't clear, it's been on my to-do list to add this to instructions (I just added it to the release text).

I'm not sure this will solve the "Selection (unknown member)" issue, but let's see what you get.

Thank you for your reply. I still have a problem: I think I have given the execute permission to LaTeXiT-metadata-macos.

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But I get the following error:

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I can run it on the command line. (see below)

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Jonathan-LeRoux commented 2 years ago

The path to the executable seems to be wrong. You at least have a typo ("metaadata"), and I don't know if the location under /usr is intended. Best way to get it right is to click on the "..." Button (next to the latexit path in the Main settings) and navigate to the executable to select it. Hope this helps! Jonathan

perrogg commented 2 years ago

The path to the executable seems to be wrong. You at least have a typo ("metaadata"), and I don't know if the location under /usr is intended. Best way to get it right is to click on the "..." Button (next to the latexit path in the Main settings) and navigate to the executable to select it. Hope this helps! Jonathan

You are right. I made the mistake. Now it works ! Thank you so much!

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 2 years ago

Great, glad it worked!