Jonathan-LeRoux / IguanaTex

A PowerPoint add-in allowing you to insert LaTeX equations into PowerPoint presentations on Windows and Mac
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Could not start pdflatex #59

Closed MrSneeuwvlokje closed 6 months ago

MrSneeuwvlokje commented 6 months ago

I have been using this add-in for a day and it worked. The next day I try it I keep getting the following error message: Knipsel

I am 100% sure the pdflatex.exe file is located in the folder "C:\Users\cve11\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64". image

I have tried everything, reinstalling the add-in, reinstalling miktek, removing the filepath to the folder containing the latex executables so that it would just go to default, trying older versions of iguanatex. Nothing works!

If i go to cmd and type in pdflatex it has no problem executing it (as can be seen in the screenshot below) image

I use the latest version of iguanatex (IguanaTex_v1_60_3) powerpoint version: 2401 OS: windows 10

Are there more people running into this problem or know how to fix it? Thanks for your time

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 6 months ago

Could you try running again with the "Debug" box checked, then use the Copy button in the pop up window to copy the exact command that leads to an issue, open a CMD window, navigate to your temp folder (c:\temp, typically), and run it there? Let's first see what this gives.

Next, if you manually set the path to "C:\Users\cve11\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64" in the Main Settings, please also try generating a display while leaving the path blank.

Finally, could you also try running "C:\Users\cve11\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex" (without ".exe.") inside the CMD window? That works fine on my end, but until v1.59 I used to add ".exe" on Windows, probably because I did notice some issue without it a long time ago. More recently, this was brought up on the IguanaTex Google group as preventing the use of cygwin's LaTeX, and as I could no longer find the reason for adding ".exe", I removed it in v1.60. So I'm curious to see whether it could be needed in some cases, and if so what are these cases.

MrSneeuwvlokje commented 6 months ago

Hi Jonathan, Thanks for your quick response.

with debug on i get this. image the command is: "C:\Users\cve11\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex" -output-format dvi -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode IguanaTex_tmp.tex" If press continue i get this error: image

If i leave the path blank in the Main Settings I get a similar error image the command is: "pdflatex" -output-format dvi -shell-escape -interaction=batchmode IguanaTex_tmp.tex" If press continue i get this error: image

If i run it in my temp folder it works fine (i think?). With or without path results in the same image

running "C:\Users\cve11\AppData\Local\Programs\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex" (without ".exe.") in the command window also works fine.

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 6 months ago

Hmm, I'm wondering if maybe you are having permission issues similar to Now the question is why it worked the first day and no longer works. Maybe this triggered a warning to your IT department and your admin blocked Office from starting processes?

MrSneeuwvlokje commented 6 months ago

Yeah I saw that issue and i wondered the same. I do work on a laptop from the university so it could be the case. I will try and install iguanatex on my pc at home later today and see if it works there properly. If it works normally on my home pc for a couple of days in a row I'll let you know and close this issue.

Thanks for your time/help. It is appreciated. Iguanatex is a very nice tool!

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 6 months ago

I suggest you reach out to your university IT, they may be able to white-list IguanaTex, or tell you that they have nothing to do with the issue.

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 6 months ago

I'll close this issue for now, please reopen as needed.

MrSneeuwvlokje commented 6 months ago

I got a response from the university that they indeed block all office applications from creating child processes. They might make an exception for me, so fingers crossed.

Thanks for your help.

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the update, fingers crossed indeed.