Jonathan-LeRoux / IguanaTex

A PowerPoint add-in allowing you to insert LaTeX equations into PowerPoint presentations on Windows and Mac
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Support Tectonic TeX Engine #63

Open KagaJiankui opened 1 month ago

KagaJiankui commented 1 month ago

Tectonic is a modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine, powered by XeTeX and TeXLive. This engine is light-weighted comparing to MiKTeX or TeXLive, and fast in compilation.

Since the tectonic TeX engine is well documentated by their develop team, is there any possibility for IguanaTeX to support the CLI of tectonic TeX engine?

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 1 month ago

Thanks for suggesting this, I hadn't heard about Tectonic. It does seem that Tectonic can indeed be integrated quite simply into IguanaTex. Here is a beta v1.61.1 version which adds Tectonic as a new compilation engine.

Thankfully, shell-escape was added to Tectonic, so that wasn't a problem, and I mainly add to refactor a bit and deal with options for XDV vs PDF.


KagaJiankui commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your blazing fast develop! I'll feedback for this beta ASAP.

KagaJiankui commented 1 month ago

The beta version works fine with my tectonic installation! Very nice work!

Jonathan-LeRoux commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the prompt feedback! If someone on Mac can give this a quick spin as well, that would be great. Otherwise I'll wait until I can do some tests myself before making a release. Not that I expect any issue.